3 thoughts on “Righting An Old Tragic Wrong”

  1. It is sad. I watched a MIL channel show the other day where they spent most of the show extolling the work of Bletchly Park and Turning and never mentioned the horrors they put him through after he arguably saved them all from German servitude.

  2. It always seemed odd to me that they treated ANYONE like that, in England! A place with more gay men per square mile than any place I’ve ever heard of. If you read any English history, they can’t swing a dead cat without hitting a dead gay King, Prince or other Royal of some import.

    What did THEY ever do, compared to a thinker like Alan Turing?

    And your right Gunga, it won’t make a difference TO Turing, but we should make amends when we can. I’m sure he still has living family, it could matter to them.

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