12 thoughts on “Sacrilege”

  1. This shall not stand.

    I imagine it’ll fall a lot. And they’ll remember to put in the eye pokes too.

  2. I’m thinking Ishtar, Heaven’s Gate, Mars Needs Moms and Happy Feet 2 all rolled into one, giant studio killing embarrassment.

  3. It’s been apparent for a long time that Hollywood has run out of ideas. Now we just have to wait for the remake of Casablanca starring Johnny Depp and Jennifer Aniston.

  4. On the bright side, maybe this will finally kill Hollywood. Hey, a girl can dream. I just want to quit reading, in the ad copy for writing software, stuff like “our templates will format your screenplay so you can impress those Hollywood bigwigs.”

  5. I am now waiting for the Godfather remake, then maybe they will remake De Palma’s Scarface, or maybe just an update of Roadhouse, you know they are all coming.

  6. My coworker showed me the trailer yesterday.

    Honestly, I think it’s fine.

    They seem to “get” the Stooges. It feels like perfectly decent homage to me.

  7. I’m surprised Hollywood hasn’t put the Three Stooges up against the Marx Brothers in a pay-per-view cage match.

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