23 thoughts on “In Case You Weren’t Depressed About A Gingrich Candidacy”

  1. Does no one on the Right remember the ’90s? Gingrich was a disgraced laughingstock to everyone who wasn’t a staunch Republican by 1998. Nominate him, and Obama’s Oppo Research team doesn’t need to do anything but search the Washington Post archives.

    1. You may have an agreeable point, but you lose it with the WaPo reference. But, if I want an opinion on the best Republican nominee, I wouldn’t waste a second on wondering what the WaPo has to say about them.

  2. Newt’s having been defeated by the Clinton machine is a big reason to be unenthusiastic about his candidacy.

    Rick Perry is looking better and better all the time, compared to the rest of the field. Romneycare makes it impossible for Mitt to defeat Barry O – he simply cannot attack Obamacare and look credible. Bachmann is too emotional to emerge as a front-runner. . Ron Paul’s foreign policy is way too much Mother Jones. Rick Santorum is…yawn…uh, what was I typing? I forgot who the other candidates are, so I’ll take that as a sign that they have serious visibility problems.

    1. The Clinton Machine prevailed against its opponents time and again in the ’90’s. Was it because they were preternaturally blessed with political acumen vis a vis their feckless opponents?

      Nah. It was because the economy was good. Today, not so much, or at all, if you prefer.

  3. “Bachmann is too emotional to emerge as a front-runner.”

    I see absolutely zero evidence of this.

    If the nags from NOW were supporting all women they’d suggest you were being colossally sexist.,

    1. If the nags from NOW were supporting all women they’d suggest you were being colossally sexist

      Those harridans think free-market economics is colossally sexist. You can’t be conservative without wearing their scarlet S.

  4. “What makes a bigger difference is unpaid (establishment) media (Gingrich will get crushed), organization (Gingrich will get crushed), paid media (Obama’s $800 million campaign will crush him), and the voters’ sense of whether they would mind seeing and hearing the candidate on their TV screens for the next four years”

    Any Republican candidate will have problems with 3/4 of those things.

    1. McCain was the media daring in the years leading up to the 2008 election. He was a Republican who loudly denouced other Republicans. McCain was stupid enough to think he’d still be the media darling after winning the Republican nomination. As predictable as the sunrise, the media turned on him and did everything possible to back Obama. Any Republican who thinks he’ll get a fair shake from the press is a moron. It simply isn’t going to happen.

      1. Yup, which is a good reason to be suspect of the candidate that the media is pushing on the public right now.

        It is also interesting how they exclude candidates like Huntsman and Johnson.

  5. However, the Republicans do have to pick someone, and if they pick Mitt, I’ll be out working hard (on the keyboard at least) for the LP. If the Repubs want to keep running the good ol’ boys from their inner circle, they can have their own private party. A lot of us won’t be there. Which means Obama gets to totally trash the country and in another 4 years, maybe the country club boys will have learned their lesson and let us get a liberty candidate for a change.

    1. No, the country club boys will go on as usual because there’s no consequences (to them) for failure. Personally, I’d crawl on my hands and knees over broken glass to vote for anyone other than Obama. As bad as Mitt is, as bad as Newt is, as bad as any of the other Republican candiates are, Obama is worse. I don’t want to give him another 4 years to further damage the country just to spite the Republican establishment.

  6. I think I’ll go with what Obama said during his 60-minutes interview. He’s right in that, “it doesn’t really matter who the Republicans nominate..” because most people are voting for anybody but Obama this time around. Besides, the poll numbers for anyone particular candidate are going to increase quite a bit after the primary. It’ll probably come closer in line to the ‘Obama vs. Generic Republican’ numbers which means he’s toast.

  7. Newt’s polling numbers are going up for a reason. People are listening to his speeches and interviews, which are awesome and set forth a way for the American people to return our country, that we love, to a constitutionally-based rule of law, with transparency in government and a more active, involved citizenry. The Dec. 3rd Staten Island TEA Party speech is a good recent example. You can research earlier speeches, such as “MICHIGAN MUST CHANGE OR DIE,” from 2010; or “2012: VICTORY OR DEATH,” from 2009 at the Restoration Weekend.

    The only reason I can see to be depressed about a Gingrich candidacy is if you don’t know yet what his is proposing. If you have an idea what he’s proposing, at the very least, it becomes extremely interesting, but not depressing anymore.

    All the best.

  8. That is the same mistake the Tea Party made in Nevada. Looks like they are slow learners.

    Uh, the mistake that was made was not to pay attention to the fact that the MGM and other major casino’s sent every one of their employees to vote for Harry Reid. Reid was bought and paid for.

    1. Harry Reid is also funneling money to the state colleges and universities to make sure the professors are bought and paid. Its funny watching the professors deny it eventhough I get my facts from Harry Reid’s own website.

  9. I don’t see how “anybody but Obama” is analogous to the Tea Party Express’ endorsement of Angle. “Anybody but Obama is an “oh, flip a coin” lazy sentiment – quite the opposite of taking a real position for real reasons like TPE did.

    Organizations can’t decide who’s gonna run. TPE had only three choices. It made a mistake only if a) it didn’t pick the lesser of three evils, and b) its endorsement could assure victory for their candidate. The top three vote-getters in the primary were:

    Sharron Angle 40.1%
    Sue Lowden 26.1%
    Danny Tarkanian 23.3%

    By what set of circumstances was it possible for Lowden or Tarkanian to get the nomination?

  10. Whatever Newt’s qualifications, intentions or chances may be, don’t you see that Romney’s criticisms of Newt show Romney to be a shallow-thinking opportunistic enemy of the right thing to do? Romney’s words should make up the minds of the undecided to vote for Newt.

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