12 thoughts on “The War Against Christmas”

  1. Yep, I’ve always said that the arrogant, militant atheists are like smokers who flick their butts out the car window. They give us all a bad name.

  2. “That’s why he and his group have put nothing on half of the park exhibit spaces that they’ve secured from the city this year.”

    Overall, it is a bit of a dick move but I give them credit for not putting up offensive displays.

  3. Imagine the town’s government announced that another similarly sized stretch of land was to be used for food commentary. Potato fans, if they won the lottery, could put up messages praising spuds, Chocoholics could praise chocolate, BBQ fanatics could praise their favorite sauces and meats, etc. But then a bunch of trouble-making libertarian model rocket enthusiasts won the lottery and put up a display talking about the virtues of model rockets.

    Townspeople were outraged. “Those rockets aren’t food! You’re supposed to be using this land to praise food!.

    The libertarians shrugged. “Free speech”, they answered.

    The libertarians also had a radical suggestion: “Hey, maybe the government ought to get out of the business of dictating what kind of message can be expressed on public land.”

  4. It says little good about someone when the only thing you can give them credit for is meeting the bare minimum of civility expected of all people. The minimum doesn’t merit applause.

  5. When you actually listen to them, it turns out most Evangelical Atheists aren’t really against religion and irrationality. Never a mention of Judaism or Islam or Wiccans or neo-paganism or even “spirtuality”. You just see and hear anti-Christian bigots engaged in socially approved hate.

      1. I think evangelical atheists (and supporters of the separation of church & state) will react against the majority religion (or the most state-sponsored religion) in the country, region, or town in question. Look to Israel and see what sorts of protests atheists engage in there if you want to see protests against state-supported Orthodox Judaism. (Note that the concerns of religious people, such as Reform and Conservative Jews will overlap with the Israeli atheists in many cases – look up the situation regarding how to arrange a legal marriage in Israel to read more.)

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