5 thoughts on “In Which Harry Reid Just Makes S@#t Up”

  1. He does it because he knows virtually no one in the MSM will call him on it. He’s either a complete moron who believes the stupid statement or a blatant lying partisan hack. More likely, he’s a blatant lying partisan hack moron.

  2. The article is not great. A politician using hyperbole is nothing new. But then you get to page 2. Who are these people making a million dollars a year and stuff it in a pillow? I make far less, and we hire lawncare folks and occassionally a maid. And we eat out often, so while we don’t hire a cook, we pay enough of them.

    What we don’t spend, we invest. Many of the investments are in business. I don’t make bad investments like giving money to GM just prior to their bankruptcy. I do however help other companies that are growing (rather than going). All this on an income far less than Sen. Reid’s war on investors. I suspect those making more find useful things for their money to do. Just like I do.

  3. This is the same Harry Reid who just publicly lectured new Congressman on the art of legislating — in particular, hectoring them on the need to compromise, and not to try to ram through legislation that the people don’t want. Coming from him, it was the most sickening thing I’ve heard in many years. But the MSM conveys it with a straight face.

  4. Is this the same Reid who exploited his office to enrich himself via insider real-estate dealing and whose leadership led the U.S. Senate to not pass a budget resolution for over two years in order to advance nakedly partisan objectives?

    Half the reason NASA has found itself in such a budgetary mess was because of the continuing resolutions forced upon the budget by the Democrats. NASA had enough problems of it’s own making but the budgetary shenanigans after April 2009 made a terrible situation even worse.

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