5 thoughts on “Commercial Crew And Solyndra”

  1. Remember when Congress was talking about “guaranteed loans” for commercial crew development? Aren’t you glad it didn’t happen? Of course, it’s easy to say that now, but if the loans had been approved the NewSpace community would have been cheering. I think we’re equally blind to the COTS/CCDev assimilation.

    1. When NASA tried loan guarantees a decade (ish) ago, a number of NewSpace people went to war against it, and won. It would have gone to LockMart for VentureStar, and would have been Solyndra on steroids.

    1. Wodun,

      Hurdles they would have to jump through anyway if they want to serve the private market, so the CCDev giveaways are like giving a developer money for building a office building they would have to build anyway if they wanted office space to rent to the government.

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