Liberalism And The Democrats

Can they be saved from the Left?

If Obama is defeated in November 2012 and the Republicans take Congress in a landslide, would that be enough to shatter the far left’s cultural-educational hegemony and liberate the Democratic Party from its grip? Can a real opposition movement arise?

Or would the left be able to hold on, using hatred and demonization to maintain control?

They’re pretty well dug in. The good news is that the places they’re dug in — mainstream media and the academy, are about to collapse and become disintermediated by the Internet.

8 thoughts on “Liberalism And The Democrats”

  1. Well, once uncredentialed reporting and education get banned from the internet by something like SOPA…

      1. A Reader,

        I guess Rand forgot to tell you. The White House issued a statement that the President “will not support legislation that disrupts the open standards of the Internet.”

        White House Will Not Support SOPA, PIPA

        The Huffington Post
        Catharine Smith
        First Posted: 1/14/12 12:19 PM ET
        Updated: 1/16/12 02:24 PM ET

        [[[The White House on Saturday officially responded to two online petitions, “Stop the E-PARASITE Act” and “Veto the SOPA bill and any other future bills that threaten to diminish the free flow of information,” urging the President to reject SOPA and PIPA.

        The statement was drawn up by Victoria Espinel, Intellectual Property Enforcement Coordinator at Office of Management and Budget, Aneesh Chopra, U.S. Chief Technology Officer, and Howard Schmidt, Special Assistant to the President and Cybersecurity Coordinator for National Security Staff. They made clear that the White House will not support legislation that disrupts the open standards of the Internet. ]]]

  2. Eh, Rubin seems to conflate a number of non-contemporary and dissimilar groups and ideological trends together and accept the latter groups’ claims of descent. The Truman-era Liberal resurgence was, in its own way, as novel as the contemporary, if much less successful, Buckleyite re-invention of conservatism. The Roosevelt ascendency was, by and large a return to office of the old Wilson progressive cadres; the folks who became Truman’s “liberals” were, many of them, Smiths “machine” Democrats – pragmatic “wets” and big-government ethnic politicians.

    Question: did Prohibition delay the Progressive ascendency by a dozen years by causing an irreparable split between the “dry” heartland Progressives – represented by the Third Klan – and the “wet” big-city ethnic coalition reps – Smith and his coterie? I mean, see the 1924 “Klanbake” Democratic convention for the apotheosis of this sort of Democratic schizophrenia.

  3. On the other hand if President Obama is re-elected and has a Democratic Majority in the Congress, will such a sweeping rejection be enough to shatter the Tea Party and free the Republican party from its grip? Or will they just cloak themselves in a new coat of paint like they did after their 2008 lost?

    1. Freeing the Republican Party from the grip of the Tea Party will allow it to go back to being Democrats, right TM?

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