A Pro Tip

Don’t gash your knee horizontally right on the patella. I did it early Tuesday morning when I bumped into a glass framed picture in the dark. It also made a bloody mess on the bedroom carpet. Alcohol was not involved. Much.

I got staples in it today and it hurts like hell to bend it, and probably will for the next week or two until they’re removed. There’s just a lot of tension there when you stretch the skin, and the staples pull on it. I’ll be hobbling around for a while, especially up and down stairs. It will also be an ongoing joy to work a clutch. Fortunately, it doesn’t affect typing, except I have to work a little further back from the screen/keyboard because of my outstretched leg.

This may or may not be TMI.

[Thursday-morning update]

Thanks for all the well wishes in comments. It’s actually feeling better today. It will probably be stiff until I get the staples removed and relieve the tension on the skin, but I’m walking almost normally, albeit gingerly.

14 thoughts on “A Pro Tip”

  1. You might consider putting the TMI comment first, then a general audiences teaser, then link to the effect of “read the rest”

  2. Odd that they didn’t butterfly it- two big patches of thick adhesive tape, then stitch the *tape* together. It’s an elementary structures problem, spreading a load across a low-modulus material without stress concentrations…

    Yes, I’m an aerospace engineer, does it show, much?

    1. Cyanoacrylate is also used to close cuts, and it’s often conveniently right next to the X-Acto knife that caused the cut in the first place. ๐Ÿ™‚

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