6 thoughts on “Campaign Lunacy”

    1. Gov. Romney already has a committee, and Dr. Griffin’s membership on it says all you need to know about what his space policy will if/when he’s elected. The official committee he will create as president will be just to provide justification for Constellation 2.0.

  1. I really think that the flood of words,analysis, angst and joy over what the candidates have said about the space program is really wasted energy.

    What they would do once they enter the White House and what they say now are two different things. I don’t think Romney has given the slightest thought to Space and moved on his committee only as a kneejerk reaction to Newt’s Space Proclamations.

    Newt says a lot, while in Florida, and has said a little in the past, but I don’t get the feeling Space really matters to him that much either.

    Any prognostications or wailing or bliss over what the candidates said this week, on Space, is wasted energy – but it’s their energy and they can do what they like with it 😉

    1. SMOD is starting to gain some attention for sure, but SVOD, Super Volcano of Death, certainly is interesting as well. But SFOD, Swing Flu of Death, is right out; I won’t stand for anything that defiles anything so holy as bacon.

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