12 thoughts on “Obama’s Isolation”

  1. This corroborates Chris Matthews comments about Obama. According to his contacts on the Hill, Obama did not have a single one-on-one phone conversation or white house mtg with any Republican senators or reps, including Repub leaders for a period of 18 months. That was 2-1/2 yrs into his presidency.

    We sure have come a long way since LBJ. Putting aside my dislike for his policies, at least he knew how to develop personal relationships and build alliances with members of the opposition.

    That is something Obama is unable or unwilling to do.

  2. From the sound of the memos, he’s not really running things, he’s just playing Sim White House – Obama Expansion Pack. Policy positions are presented in a pop-up dialog box and he clicks on one of the radio buttons to choose an option.

    1. That’s one of the things I hated most about “Sim-*”, all of the solutions revolve around ‘changing percentages’ as solutions, not changing the fundamental way different things work.

      You can’t distinguish between ‘defined benefits’ versus ‘defined contributions’ – you only get to set “x% towards retirement.”

    2. That’s not really too uncommon, though. In b-school and in my current place of employment, that’s basically how we’re told to deliver all questions to leadership. There’s only so many issues that can consume full attention, probably one or two at a time, so all of the other decisions have to be in the form of, “this one or that one?”. Why else would you pay people to be experts if you aren’t going to trust them at least that much? Even if you don’t think he’s really taking ownership of any issue, let alone one or two, (as I do) still the majority of decisions are going to be made that way.

  3. Drudge has a link showing that JFK was definitely a hands on President. A teenage intern for JFK just wrote a very detailed memoir about a year and a half of getting that constant Kennedy luv. What a sleezebag.

  4. But but Obama fixed the failed policies of the last 8 years!!!! To use his own words, “That’s like winning the Special Olympics.”

  5. Obama apparently believes his own press and thinks he’s the smartest man in any room. Funny, I’m still waiting for some actual evidence of his intelligence. Is that too much to ask?

      1. How did that old Lincoln quote go? Something like “You can fool all of the people some of the time and some of the people all of the time, but you can’t fool all of the people all of the time.”

        Obama just needs to fool enough of the people to win in the Electoral College. There’s always a chance he can do that. Let us work hard to see that doesn’t happen. I don’t much care for Romney but assuming he’s the nominee, I’ll gladly crawl to the polls over broken glass to vote for him if it helps defeat Obama.

    1. “Don’t worry, Father; the smartest man in the room just jumped out of the plane with my backpack.”

  6. Yes, I remember that old joke (first heard it during the Nixon administration describing Henry Kissinger). Would that it be so.

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