6 thoughts on “Racial Discrimination In Medical Schools”

  1. Missing link?

    Also, who wants to go into the medical field now? It’s one of the most stifling fields around. That goes for most legacy, and therefore heavily regulated, industries (medical, financial, food, housing, etc…).

    Meanwhile, the technology sector is still relatively free and highly lucrative. It’s a no-brainer.

  2. I worked for a bit with an Indian who had just finished pre-med and was trying to get into medical school. He said he actually had some schools tell him straight up that they had already had enough Indians apply and accepted and that’d he’d probably now have much chance there and should keep sending applications elsewhere. It was sad because he said he saw this kind of prejudice between cultures occur in his country all the time and thought America was better than that. Yet we have a ruling class that wants to be like everyone else…..

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