The So-Called Budget

…is a complete failure to budget:

Of course, this is par for the course for this president. His budget documents have all been studies in the dereliction of duty. And it’s true that this particular act of dereliction has in it more elements of class warfare and punitive and economically damaging targeted tax increases than the past ones. But as we take note of that added layer of misguided political economy, we should not lose sight of the underlying scandal—the president’s complete lack of interest in addressing the mounting fiscal crisis which his policies have so severely exacerbated, and his readiness to allow our government’s finances to collapse around him (or rather around his wretched successor) and to burden our children with an unprecedented and unbearable burden of debt.

I don’t think these people even understand the meaning of the word.

6 thoughts on “The So-Called Budget”

  1. And it would be so easy to eliminate the deficit and most of the debt. Abolish Social Security and Medicare. Reform Medicaid so it’s available to anyone whose annual income puts them at or below the poverty line. Maybe add a fudge-factor for poor parents with minor children.

    You’d eliminate 2/3rds of Federal expenditures overnight. And my sympathy for the senior citizens who’ve been forced to pay into the system for decades is limited given that they’ve had decades to vote in Congresscritters who would fix the problems but never bothered to do so. The fact that they’ve been robbed gives them no right to continue to dip into MY paycheck.

  2. That’ll certain win over hearts and minds Jason. /sarc

    Yes, we all know they could eliminate social security with the stroke of a pen. Obama even threatened to do it (why this didn’t make it through the main stream media filter and cause a huge uproar is baffling?)

    The money they robbed from my paycheck would have provided me with more money today and it really would have been mine. They could never take it away with a stroke of a pen. But that seems a nonstarter of an idea with the media.

    Again, the media is responsible for not calling out those critters that claimed otherwise over and over repeatedly… shove that lockbox up yer ass senator.

    1. Yeah, I think the principle of estoppel could apply to such a radical change — not that radical changes aren’t made all the time, but with respect to the most vulnerable, that case could be made. That’s why only discussions about gradual changes make it to the table.

      Sadly, the continual evasion of that discussion could one day make the radical change inevitable. It’s not like folks my age don’t know, but, what have they done? Not nearly enough…

      1. “Sadly, the continual evasion of that discussion could one day make the radical change inevitable.”

        ref: Europe

  3. I have been working most of my life under the assumption that I would never see a SS check. Astonishingly, I am now closing on the date where you will all need to start ponying up. I had expected that at the very least the system would be means tested by now. I would guess that I will have a few years of checks coming to me, after which time the three employed people that will be subsiding me will tire and go Galt. Until then since you all seem to feel there is no problem…You can all Suck It.

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