6 thoughts on “The Unconstitutionality Of Rent Control”

  1. Evil triumphs when good does nothing. Education seems to be the most important issue. Thank you for doing your part Rand.

    Then the fight goes to the courts where intelligence has driven them mad. It is impossible for me to believe we allowed Kagan and Sotomayor on the supreme court of the land. Congress was supposed to protect us (or at least the principles of our founders.)

    So this leaves the people which polls suggest half being idiots.

    Your future is in your ten year olds hands who aren’t allowed to eat the lunch mom packed them. That’s comforting.

  2. There needs to be some way for the home”owner” to issue a quitclaim. Let the city take the house over and see how long it likes dealing with being ripped off.

      1. Never having been a landowner, I wouldn’t know what’s involved. I’d be willing to bet that if you just walked away, the city would keep billing you for property taxes, and so on.

        1. If you quitclaim, your rights and obligations to the land vanish (but not any mortgage you might have had — that’s still your debt). Your former tenants would basically be living rent-free until it was escheated or w/e. Knowing how slowly the ‘crats move, that would take quite a while and they’d be out the property taxes until they could sell it to another sucker buyer. In any case, you’d still be better off just selling the place, even at a loss.

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