That Fake Heartland Memo

…is looking faker by the minute.

I think that Megan is being a little too optimistic here:

Unfortunately, I’d imagine that this is still a sizeable set of people, and it will be hard to identify the author. I suspect that it will be easier to do if the climate-bloggers–who may well know this person as a commenter or correspondent–get involved in trying to find out who muddied the story by perpetrating a fraud on their sites.

Certainly, if I were in their shoes, I’d want to expose this person, so that they could refocus on the legitimate documents, and put to rest doubts about their integrity in this matter. But I’m not going to hold my breath.

4 thoughts on “That Fake Heartland Memo”

  1. It also seems unlikely they are being honest about the scource of the leaked documents or the method they they were leaked.

  2. I find it interesting how fast the parallels to Climategate were made. I guess some people are still sore over that.

  3. The top story at WUWT is that Peter Gleick confessed (partially) to the document fraud. Steve Mosher had already fingered him as the most likely suspect. Winner of a MccArthur Fellowship, elected to the National Academy of Science and an elected fellow of the AAAS, and now it’s all come a cropper for him.

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