7 thoughts on “Insanity Up North”

  1. Just imagine the trouble he would be in if he actually owned any guns. There are sensible Canadians, just damn few of them.

  2. Funny how only the “Racial Right” has a problem with these terrifying Gestapo tactics. Any peep from the “liberals”? “Moderates”? No?

  3. I disagree with the comments about suing the governments. Yes, the public should be on the hook when its government misbehaves in such a grievous way.

    An interesting thing to consider is the claim that basic fines for wrongdoing in court cases should be proportion to the income of the wrong doer. That is, someone pays say 1% of their income for a traffic ticket instead of a fixed amount. This is supposed to make it “fair” for the poor people.

    Similarly, a lot of people who buy into that also favor eliminating limited liability from corporations. So if I own stock in a company that does something wrong (or merely incurs a fine), then I could be on the hook for some proportional amount as well.

    Well, there’s an obvious and “fair” extension of those ideas to representational government. When the government crosses the line and causes harm to people in question, then the people who elected that government “should” be on the hook proportionally. So why not take explicitly oh, 1% of everyone’s paycheck for the year 2012 in Kitchener, Ontario (anyone who falls within the school or police district) and pay it to this man for his troubles? What’s “fair” for the goose is fair for the gander. And if the government happens to be particularly troublesome, they might end up having their wages, and the wages of their descendents garnished for some time to come. But that’s “fairer” than the current situation where people can vote any clown in and face no responsibility for doing so.

    1. What normally happens when government officials lose a lawsuit is that the bill just gets passed on to the taxpayers. I suggest it comes out of that official’s departmental budget for that fiscal year. Lose a million dollar lawsuit, get your budget cut and be forced to lay off people in that department. Perhaps then you’d get their attention. As it is now, there’s little or no consequences for government officials who break the law in the course of their official duties.

    2. If a corporation commits a crime, company personal who directed and carried it out should be on the hook, not share holders with no prior knowledge of the act.

      Similarly, if government commits an offense, the persons directing or carrying it out =should= bear the burden. Good luck if the people at the top directed the crime.

  4. The public can stay out of it. The principal should be sued, the police officers involved charged with unlawful confinement, break and enter, and anything else his lawyer can think of, and if it turns out policies were followed to the letter, the bureaucrats responsible for writing those policies should be answering some very uncomfortable questions in front of a judge.

    Make it personal, in the faces of the individuals responsible, hold them individually to account. It’s the only way to stop these shenanigans.

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