8 thoughts on “The Left’s War On Science”

  1. That’s the reason Democrats consistently carry the women’s votes. Republicans are nice, clean-cut momma’s boys. Democrats are brutal rapists (witness the Occupy movement).

    Until Republicans meet the Democrat violence with legitimate violent self-defense, we will continue to be scorned and abused.


  2. A lot of women do like jerks. Casual observation proves that. What’s funny is when the jerk treats her badly (because that’s what jerks do) and she complains how all men are awful. Sorry, but the one common factor in all of your relationships is you. If you keep picking jerks, then you’re the problem.

    Some women eventually wise up and look around for nicer guys. The problem is that the nice guys didn’t wait for the women to get their heads out of their asses. They either married someone who loves them for who they are or gave up on women altogether.

    1. Or they became jerks. Like I did. Unfortunately, it doesn’t work as long as the rest of the Republicans drag down the party by being kiss-asses and not physically hurting Democrat monsters. In their minds, I’m still a Republican pussy. They ignore my military service, because HARRY REID, WHO IS A DRAFT-DODGER, says all Republicans are chickenhawks.

  3. “chicks dig jerks.”

    For 99% of human evolution being good at coping with violence, and being able to commit violent acts, was an evolutionary advantage, it kept you alive and got you to the top of the status pyramid. So many women are instinctively attracted to those men with traits that 100,000 years ago would have gotten them some place.

  4. I had an “ah-hah” moment while reading back through the links.

    Yes, women probably evolved to value the roughest toughest males, in significant part cued by behaviors guaranteed to get those males into lots of fights. Back in the neolithic, males that lost too many of those fights either dropped the I’m-tough signaling or died.

    Practitioners of modern “Game” have learned to ape (so to speak) those tough-guy signals, regardless of whether they’re actually any good at fighting. They get away with this because modern middle-class men are hugely less violent than our ancestors – check the stats; Western murder rates were ten times higher just a few hundred years ago, and the farther back you go the worse the murder rates were.

    Even so, you don’t read a lot about “Game” being practiced in blue-collar bars. It’s always middle-class venues they’re writing about. I suspect this is because “Game” posturing in your average steelworker hangout is still way too likely to get the snot beaten out of you. Heh.

    So, QED, the cure for much rampant modern ass-hattery could be getting a bit less civilized about responding. Many, many of the best actual fighters around these days are far too civilized to prove it merely because some guy is being a lout. Perhaps this needs to change…

    1. Just as I’ve never been interested in being a politician because I’d consider my life a failure if I have to live a life of crime, I have no interest in playing the “Game.” I despise assholes and refuse to become one just to get laid.

  5. More seriously, where might this modern trend toward mass fakery (for breeding advantage) of these long-ago-evolved tough-guy cues be leading us?

    Anything that can’t go on forever, won’t. In this case, the breeding advantage of the fakery lasts just as long as modern civilization’s scarcity of actual fatal violence, no longer.

    (Note that fakery in the matter of being a bad-arse among men doesn’t currently seem to preclude (non-fatal, mostly) violence against women. This combination of behaviors used to be especially vigorously frowned upon…)

    Should social violence ramp back up to old west, or worse medieval (or even worse hunter-gatherer tribal) levels for some reason – say, partial collapse of civilized standards under the weight of mass incompetent Jersey Shore ass-hattery – there will then commence a considerable cull.

    I’d expect an ongoing shifting of the equilibrium in that direction more than a sudden inflection. Neither strikes me as much fun though.

    But what alternative is there? A social trend toward combining real strength with civilized manners? Never happen – unless a lot more chicks decide they dig that.

    1. But what alternative is there?

      Social conservativism and the death of radical Feminism, which prolly won’t happen until, as you say, things get worse and this, or the next, generation re-learns the lesson. After all, it is Feminists who encourage women to behave like men, chasing careers and postponing/forgoing marriage/children, thus creating the large pool of young hot SWPL girls that stocks the pond for players.

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