The President’s Dangerous Demagoguery

Thoughts from VDH:

What do all these presidential interventions teach us — other than that there are two sides to every story? First, that race and gender are flashpoints in our culture, as liberals see justice routinely denied to Americans on the basis of their sex and skin color, and conservatives believe these issues are continually trumped up to further divide the country and serve the political interests of a partisan elite.

But a larger lesson should be the president’s, because a disturbing pattern has developed in his editorializing, which is aimed exclusively at those whose policies and language he implies lead to horrific acts like the shooting of African-American teenagers, the smearing of young feminists, the shooting of Democratic congresswomen, or the jailing of African-American professors. Yet in every case, further evidence, more information, and subsequent events suggested that the president had offered either incomplete or misleading commentary to the nation, predicated not on a desire for healing or truth, but on a wish to gain partisan advantage.

With the world in recession, facing energy shortages, and on the brink of war, it is politically unwise for the president of the United States to offer commentary on contentious issues, especially before the facts of such disputes are fully known. To do so at worst can interfere with ongoing investigations, and at best pits the office of the presidency against private individuals. In every case, Barack Obama cannot conclude that his commentary created greater unity rather than further polarization.

Oh, he’s clearly quite capable of coming to all manner of delusional conclusions.

12 thoughts on “The President’s Dangerous Demagoguery”

  1. I’m not sure I agree with this statement.
    “…the president had offered either incomplete or misleading commentary to the nation, predicated not on a desire for healing or truth, but on a wish to gain partisan advantage.”
    I don’t think he’s intentionally misleading [this time]. I think it’s more a case of his own internal bias that the ‘black’ guy, girl, agency, blah, blah, blah, HAD to get the short end of the stick while simply minding his, her, their own business. That’s the totality of the liberal mantra.

    It’s the way you think if you KNOW you live in a racist country!

    He simply can’t bring himself to imagine that we are NOT a racist country. Look at how crappy HIS life has been! So anytime there’s a racial component to any story, the minority in question had to be the one harmed. I am, however, waiting to see how they spin 3 AA ‘youts’ shooting a white college student at Mississippi State U. over the weekend.

    I’m guessing they shot him NOW, knowing he’d just screw them…somehow… LATER? I’m calling it the ‘Minority Report’ Defense.

    (can you get a copyright on a ‘type’ of defense strategy…I could get rich!)

  2. Obama and his minions will do anything to divert our attention from the sinking economy and international disaster he has created. Race relations haven’t been this bad in decades and they are getting worse because of the usual race hustlers.

  3. He’s a community organizer. His training has been in stirring the pot. He is good at it. It is what he does. It is the only way he gets reelected. This is not accidental. It is intentional. Cheers –

    1. “But that just makes him soooo awesome! I could bask under his Christ-like visage for all eternity…”

  4. the president had offered either incomplete or misleading commentary to the nation, predicated not on a desire for healing or truth, but on a wish to gain partisan advantage.

    I can see why VDH objects; misleading commentary meant for partisan advantage is his thing.

    1. I read Jim’s comment as acknowledging that misleading commentary meant for partisan advantage is a bad thing.

    2. “I can see why VDH objects; misleading commentary meant for partisan advantage is his thing.”

      Examples please?

  5. “‘I can see why VDH objects; misleading commentary meant for partisan advantage is his thing.’

    “Examples please?”

    Please, Gregg! You’re asking Jim for evidence (and by extension, a logical argument)? That’s like asking Dracula to take a bath in Holy Water.

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