5 thoughts on “Debbie WhatAFool Schultz”

  1. Most folks outside of California may not be familiar just how awful a mayor Antonio Villaraigosa has been. He makes our state government look downright competent in comparison. He’s a grandstanding, camera-chasing fool who took and flunked the bar exam 4 times, and doesn’t even have any compensatory charisma or eloquence (he can’t get through a sentence without saying “um” 4 times). His major accomplishments include running the finances of L.A. off a cliff, holding a public affair with a local reporter for several months, jetsetting around the world attending things like global warming conferences, holding a billion press conferences so that he could get his face on TV as often as possible, and attending events with equally-vacuous Hollywood types so that he could get his face in front of cameras even more.

  2. You Idiot….Everything David said it true and then some. What part of his comment was racist? It will take years if not decades to get this city back to where it used to be. Tony Villar will always be known as Mayor Failure.

    1. Let’s bring back the civility by stopping these racists from commenting on the performance of our dearly elected leaders.

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