Debbie’s New Job?

Be afraid. Be very afraid:

There’s been talk that the cabinet position Wasserman Schultz would be in line for would be the Secretary of Health and Human Services,which is currently under the direction of Secretary Kathleen Sebelius. C’mon, wouldn’t you all want Debbie in charge of administering government-run health care for over 300 million people?

Like we needed more reasons to not want Obama to be reelected.

[Update a few minuts later]

Link is fixed now.

9 thoughts on “Debbie’s New Job?”

  1. A rabid political partisan in charge of deciding who gets what type of healthcare, what could possibly go wrong? Something tells me red states would not get equal funding.

    1. Sure they would. All republican voters are obviously fat cats and can provide their own healthcare, so a state’s health care allocation should be proportional to the number of people who voted democrat in the last presidential election.

      1. That just means the Red States -need- it more.

        So… In Blue States the money is spent on hiring layers of fact-checkers and important officials for the ‘benefits’ of ObamaCare.

        But in Red States the money is spent on tax analysts, law enforcement personnel, IRS Agents and reeducation camps (as Obama’s mentor Ayers points out).

  2. Well we’d get no shortage or peanut butter rations, “Cwuz ewebuddy nweed peanuh buttah mowth.”

    1. What’s funny is that they both represent the same town – and Col. West lives in DWS’ district. Gotta love the gerrymander…

  3. This is even worse than it looks… she insn’t just a partisan left wing socialist hack, she was the most vocal proponent for pulling Terri Schiavo’s plug… you expect me to believe that an HHS and Obamacar run by this woman wouldn’t be setting up death panels?

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