12 thoughts on “Just A Coincidence, Obviously”

      1. The linked article cites no evidence beyond Norquist and Lott’s word, so all that’s left is “Republicans say Democrats are bad.” It’s a content-free story.

    1. Yes Jim, where are your graphs that say gravity sucks? Both parties launder tax money to campaign coffers but the democrats do it without shame and on a scale that makes it hard to miss.

  1. It’s only the largest case of graft and theft in history. Will anyone ever face the music for this travesty?

    1. Not until real people replace those we currently elect. Elected officials should never be lawyers. They should only have lawyers on their staff.

  2. You’d think the folks who voted for this crap who got less, or the people who voted against and got less would be screaming to high Heaven. Then again, if they scream now, they might find the rules changed when THEY have this same opportunity ‘for their states’.

    States my eye teeth. I wonder how many of these clowns bought land a new road is getting built upon, or bought a swamp that ‘needs’ a couple million $$$ to get it back to it’s original pristine state.

    If we don’t soon do term limits, they’ll just vote themselves rulers for life and their seats will go to their offspring. The scum sucking porkers.

  3. And yet it’s long been known that red states get disproportionately more federal dollars than they send to Washington, and blue states less. California, for instance, gets something like 70 cents for each dollar. This is every year.

    1. Take a look at where most US military bases are located. There’s a big chunk of change right there. A lot of the aerospace jobs that used to build military aircraft have moved from high-tax, anti-business states like California to friendlier climes like Georgia and Texas.

      1. So I could rewrite Rand’s statement above thusly: “Poorer states that have strong Republican connections get most of the military-industrial stimulus. Based on the reaction of the economy, it mostly “stimulated” campaign donations.” And you don’t care about that, because it’s going to people you like.

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