4 thoughts on ““…Offensive, Like We’re In Africa””

  1. Sounds more like politicians misusing the powers of the state to benefit their business friends. That the man happens to be black seems only tangentaly related.

  2. What does it say about ‘black culture’ AND the Democrat Liberal love of DIVERSITY in Detroit, that this guy wasn’t BLACK enough for them, to just say of himself, “I’m black”, in one of the blackest cities IN America?!!!?

    I gotta tell you, for a white guy who grew up in the south, who ALWAYS here’s about racism and bigotry when I’m above the Mason-Dixon Line and anyone here’s my accent, this kind of cr@p drives me nuts. Because I don’t care what anyone says, there’s a lot more bigotry ABOVE that line, than there is below, I’ve seen it and lived there to witness it first hand.

    And now, the REST of the world is seeing it!

    I’m sorry this happened to this man. But personally I’m glad that it’s out there, and hopefully many people will see this, for the enlightening news that it is. It’s NOT the Republicans, Conservatives and NON-Liberals who split us all into little groups and tell us how is and who is not in the right group.

    It’s the Democrats & Liberals & Progressives who play that game.

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