3 thoughts on “A Crisis Of Contitutional Ignorance”

  1. As usual for such things, you can google the title to get around the paywall.

    I see someone in comments didn’t get the point and tried to rationalize unlimited government power merely because Alexander Hamilton more or less did so (for things “entrusted to its management”) in the Federalist Papers.

  2. Might as well just quote this gem in toto:

    Wake up, everyone, it is a “Living Constitution” according to our Liberal friends.

    Why, just the other day, I saw Living Constitution at the supermarket buying some expensive olive oil, arugula, and sun-dried tomatos. And a couple weeks before that I saw Living Constitution on the front row at a Knicks game, sitting next to Spike Lee.

    I must say, Living Constitution is a pretty au currant and snappy dresser, changing his styles to suit the times, listening to the latest music, hanging out with women 1/12th his age, etc. As our liberal friends assert, Living Constitution is a paper version of The World’s Most Interesting Man (“Stay thirsty, my friends”): able to change with the fashion of the times.

    Of what relevance could some musty old papers have in the current life of the Living Constitution?

  3. Teaching the Federalist Papers would only lead to questions their instructors could not adequately answer.

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