8 thoughts on “Genocidal Eco-Fascism”

  1. It’s interesting both how they usually weasel about it and how their blame doesn’t match who is creating the problem. For example, one such person, posted anonymously, wrote that “if humanity are parasites” (paraphrasing him here), then killing 60% of them was a good thing (I gather this was an estimate associated with some global disaster which was the topic of debate, supervolcanoes, large asteroid strike, or something). The implication, of course, is that the poster thought humanity was a parasite, else they wouldn’t have bothered to make that observation.

    As to the second point, it’s interesting how the US and its institutions get criticized even when it’s obvious that they don’t contribute to population growth. For example, Linkola criticizes “growth and freedom” even though it’s clear that both actually reduce population growth by enabling and even pressuring (to a degree for “growth”) females to do something other than have children. He would do away with tools that work to reduce overpopulation and actually blames them for harm that they help reduce.

    It is a remarkable disease of thought to make the problem worse which one is supposedly striving to fix.

  2. “…Pentti Linkola — a man who demands that the human population reduce its size to around 500 million…”

    Linkola should demonstrate his sincerity by committing suicide.

    1. Genocide/Suicide Tomato/Tomotto.

      But they can’t commit suicide… they all expect to be captain Asimov.

      They can’t accept Karl’s obvious solution (wealth slows growth rate) because it doesn’t put them in charge.

      It’s not about life and death… it’s about being the boss.

      The reality that you start out naked with little and grow up (that grow up part is the rub) just doesn’t sit well. Better they have the red button.

  3. Imagine you had $75 billion

    Let’s see. First I talk to Bigelow and SpaceX to engineer my BA330 fantasy spaceship and put some in orbit for about $250m each. Let’s say eight which eventually would allow my 48 crew to go to mars. I’d recover them from mars orbit later. Now I only have $73b left.

    I preposition supplies on mars at $150m per Red Dragon. Let’s send 20 of those near each other on the mars equator, so now I only have $71b left.

    I spend another $8b to fuel my spaceships which have been doing test runs around the moon. Also I need to add a lander for each of the ships so that’s another $1.2. Let’s round down so I have $60b left.

    At 5% interest I’d have over $6b every two years so I could keep my mars expedition in supplies… let’s see… forever.

    I’d then sell tickets to mars colonists for $100 whenever my interest income provides me with fuel for another trip.

    Do I get a statue on mars?

    1. You know, an investment strategy like that would be a great way to set up a fund for infrastructure improvements here on Earth too. Of course if such a fund had $75b, the politicians would want to spend it all at once.

      1. Mine isn’t even optimal. It should have been all $75b invested which still pays for everything with a greater annual return.

        You are absolutely right. Even individually. Before about the age of 30 most people (like myself) are to stupid or too involved in survival to do what needs to be done. I was only beginning to get my feet solidly underneath me when I got married (who’d da thunk that would cause a life disruption???)

        I’m looking at tax lien certificates which in AZ pay 16% but it’s hard to deal with the relatively small downside. Your money could be tied up for up to three years. Which is actually the good thing because then you can foreclose.

        If the govt. actually were only allowed a budget to spend the interest on investments (which did not include any type of self investment) imagine how strong we’d be? After a while, instead of paying taxes the government would have to pay it’s citizens. Like AK oil payments.

  4. That’s a great article.

    And that Linkola fellow bears a strong resemblance to Ted Kaczynski. Both physically and ideologically.

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