7 thoughts on “The Shame Of The Jews”

  1. Sure Obama has read a lot about Jews but I’m guessing the books he read didn’t portray Israel and Jews in a positive light (because he probably reads what other leftists read.) Someone should ask him what books he read so we can know for sure.

    Rather interesting that he couldn’t make it through his speech before the Rabbis without playing the race card just like he couldn’t make it through his speech today presenting Bush with his portrait without bashing Bush. Did anyone else notice how Obama mostly talked about himself in that speech?

  2. I have little doubt that as part of his education in Indonesia, Obama had to read lots of books about Jews and Judaism, such as The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion, The Eternal Jew, The Fourth Reich of the Rich, etc.

  3. From the Comments Section, “…makes criticism of him above reproach…”.

    I can’t believe that anyone, ESPECIALLY a Rabbi would question a God, such as The One, Himself, to His face nor behind his back! For He knows all and He sees all. And beings He’s The One, it’s not even Idol Worship to, well, worship Him!

    Lucky for them, eh? I’ve got it from ‘books’ that the God of Hebrew legend tends to be a little ‘pissy’ when he’s crossed by his people.

  4. “Now the the guy’s an expert on Judaism? Really?”

    He’s an expert on everything. Just ask him.

  5. “Obama also stressed he probably knows about Judaism more than any other president, because he read about it”

    John Adams – Translated books of the Old Testament from Hebrew to English

    James Madison – While in college, learned to speak and read Hebrew. When he could have graduated, remained at college for an additional year to study ethics and Hebrew in greater depth.

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