3 thoughts on “The Tea Party”

  1. upending of incumbents in what by all rights should have been safe primaries demonstrates that it hasn’t lost momentum yet.

    Yep. It ain’t over. More republicans for many years to come are going to lose their lifetime seats. So I guess we’ll have to get used to Thomas telling us the tea party is working for the democrats.

  2. I’m hoping that we’ll see a sea-change in the next couple of years. I think Glenn’s got his finger on the pulse of the direction the Tea Party is headed. Watch as traditionally blue state houses suddenly turn deep purple, or even red. And the trickle-up from there will only be positive. As we start shoving the dinosaurs out of their seats of power, the young blood will take over and really start to shake things up.

    I used to think that trying to take over the GOP from the inside was a failing proposition. But I’m beginning to think I may have been wrong. The only question is whether or not there is enough time to complete the process. If the internal purge is completed quickly enough, then the fiscal conservatives can truly take over and start making policy that will bring the country back to sane ground.

    Big “If” to be sure. But I am a bit more hopeful than I used to be. We just need to make sure we allow as little of the pending European implosion to stain us as possible. Tall order….

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