12 thoughts on “The Unbearable Straightness Of Being”

  1. The propaganda of unrealistically high numbers of homosexuals (10%?!?!) was an integral component of the 1990’s power struggle in the Democrat party as elite whites took power back from the blacks. Gaining power in a Pope-less theocracy means being holier-than-thou, and where egalitarianism reigns supreme that means being more-victimized-than-thou. The reality of white gay guys living in the best part of town with disproportionately high income prima facie would not suffice — a new narrative was required.

  2. ‘which discovered that people greatly overestimated the number of minorities among them.’

    Well. When being 0/32 Cherokee qualifies one for minority victim status, I’m not so sure there’s any over-estimation going on at all. It’s the cool thing for all the crickets to claim.

  3. IIRC, it was the Kinsey Report that first claimed that 10% of men were homosexuals. That was largely discredited by the 1990s but the number stuck around for a long, long time.

    If one were to judge the percentage of homosexuals (male and female) based on movies and TV, it wouldn’t be hard to come up with an unrealistically high number. But then, gays make up a higher percentage of the entertainment industry than the population at large.

    1. It was Garrison Keillor who said that being gay in the entertainment world is about as common as having brown eyes.

    2. On the other hand, it’s a well-known fact that all females are just a few drinks away from being lesbians. Maybe that’s skewing the statistics…

    3. Heinlein’s bio mentioned that he went and waited in line somewhere to get a copy of that report when it was first released in 1948. I’d never heard of it and looked it up and found out that hollywood actually made a movie about it. Kinsey. With Liam Neeson.

    4. 5% of Kinsey’s “random sample” of Americans were male prostitutes and 25% were convicts.

    5. Kinsey’s claim was that 5% of women and 10% of men were homosexual. For decades gay activists misrepresented Kinsey’s statistics, claiming that 10% of the general population is gay.

      Naturally this leads lots of folks to suspect that gays are more dishonest than the general population.

      What gets me is that during all this time the people who knew Kinsey’s claims best – the Kinsey Institute for Research in Sex, Gender, and Reproduction – did little to nothing to correct gay activists on that misreported statistic. What does that say about the Institute’s scruples?

  4. Personally I don’t care who’s gay and who’s not.

    I don’t care about the numbers either. I only begin to care when some ‘g@y’ person gets ahead of ‘me’ / ‘us’ / non-GL@@D alignees on money, j0bs, public help, store b0nus points, fast f00d coupons, used car l0ans, concert tickets or WTHever, because I’M NOT / WE’RE NOT ‘g@y’! And that’s the real issues isn’t? Punishing ALL non-g@ys NOW, for past pains suffered by the g@y community? It’s the g@y equivalent of 40 acres and a mule.

    I am tired of being penalized for MY genetics, which I didn’t get to choose, any more than g@ys did. Their entire line of reasoning is, we were born this way. Well who the hell wasn’t born as they ARE? Only DC Super Heroes get to change their genetic makeup. And Stan Lee says they changed, not me!

    I think it’s easy to fight the rhetoric with a number simple questions for all the downtrodden, put upon, g@ys both male and female. And I’ve had these conversations with g@y men and women I’ve known or worked with. I ain’t shy in person either.

    If your prime argument is that YOU were born ‘this way’, doesn’t that mean I was TOO? You say being Right-Wing, Christian, Straight is like a ‘disease’ or ‘mental problem’, but isn’t that kind of thinking exactly what YOU are fighting against? Isn’t that precisely the thinking just a few years ago about h0m0sexu@lity, it’s a mental aberration?

    So two wrongs DO make a right, but only if YOU get to go second?

    You don’t want to be called ‘h0m0’ or ‘f@g’ or ‘lesb0’. But it’s OK for people aligned with GLAAD to use terms like ‘breeders’ or to spit out ‘straights’ the same way Lester Maddox used to spit out (place the ‘N’ word here) to make his point?

    Again, because you are only fighting against discrimination, it’s OK for YOU to be divisive? Huh?

    And honestly, I’ve had a few people sit and calmly discuss these questions with me. But many more people go all but crazy, and accuse ME of not being willing to change, speak rationally or understand just how hard it is to be different. Well who among isn’t different in some way?

    I can say I am totally, completely and utterly tired of that awful affected, universal, almost lisping, lilting ‘g@y voice’ many American g@y men have. But I’m also just as tired of that universal, non-regional, modified valley girl voice 90% of young girls and women under 30 now have.

    Both Paris Hilton and her ‘sister’ Perez Hilton sound like morons, WHY would you emulate THAT kids?

    (that’s all the offensiveness and crudity I can muster against g@ys without breakfast)

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