9 thoughts on “ObamaCare”

  1. Don’t mention this to those that believe their babies will get a barcode tatoo on their hand or forehead without which they will not be allowed to engage in the economy.

    1. … and it will be on the inside of the wrist. And don’t short Gatorade stock…

    2. Oh, please. Bar code tattoos are old tech. All you need is to implant one of those RFID capsules like used on pets.

    3. It’s kind of interesting how much people in the US seem to be against identification but get asked for their driver license all the time. People will also pay taxes and for social security. It is pathetic if they think they aren’t being tracked by the government. Anyway it all pales in comparison to the amounts of personal data say Google or Facebook mine from users.

      1. I was looking at hybrid telescopes the other day. Guess what advertisement shows up on every web page I go to now? It doesn’t matter the pages subject.

      2. There’s no law requiring you to use Google or Facebook or buy any of their products. You…you do know that, right?

  2. The members of Congress could have saved themselves and the American people a lot of trouble by not only not ramming through an unread 2000 page document but instead reading a 1047 page book, still a bestseller 55 years after first publication. Of course, if Nancy Pelosi read and understood Atlas Shrugged her head would explode.

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