24 thoughts on “Get Out Your Hankies”

  1. How much you want to bet it was staged too? What the speaker completely misses here is that it’s only in certain non-democracies that you always get what you want, and only if you’re on the very top of the food chain.

  2. “We just got outspent 34 million to 4 million”? What Wisconsin is this guy in? Unions poured over a hundred million into that recall election, sure was a good use of their members’ dues.

    1. He’s in the one the media “taught” him about. The 34-to-4 graphic appeared (IIRC) on both MSNBC and CBS.

      New news standard: “Fake but fake.”

  3. Oh noes! Democracy is dead because we can no longer vote ourselves undeserved largess and entitlement from the productive tax payers. What a world, what a world! Oh well, guess we’ll have to go back to being a representative republic now…..

  4. “Democracy is dead because people who disagree with my union bosses outnumber people like me who do what we’re told without thinking!”

  5. Democracy is live and well. Scott Walker won a regular election fair and square. He then signed bills the legally passed through the state’s legislature. When the Democrats couldn’t prevent the passage of those bills, because they lacked the votes; they literally ran and gave up any concept of representation. When that didn’t work; they tried to recall Scott Walker using questionable signatures and no doubt weak rationale. So now, Scott Walker has won a second election; and if he didn’t have a mandate a year ago; he has one now!

  6. i don’t know if it was Mark Twain or Abraham Lincoln: “Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt.”

  7. You know, the guy has a point. “The end of the US as we know it just happened.”

    The voting public has told the public employee unions that enough is enough. The unions weren’t expecting that. They believe that just because they got a government job, they have an indefinite and nearly infinite demand on the taxpayers’ money to pay for ever more lavish salaries, benefits and pensions. The people finally told the unions (both in Wisconsin and two California cities) to go pound sand. That is the end of the US as the unions know it.

    About damned time, too!

    1. “He means to say he cares deeply about the children.” LOL!!!

      Add “recall” to the translation of “Steiner”…

      1. On a long enough time scale, “Steiner” will become synonymous with every single word in the English language. I’m pretty sure that’s a corollary to Godwin’s Law.

  8. Here’s the central part of what I truly hate about the Left.

    If ANY vote goes their way, by 2%, 10% or 105% it’s a clear mandate from the people! But no matter HOW big or small the Left’s losses are, it’s because of theft, lies, we were outspent, blah, blah, blah, what a crock of crap.

    But it’s OK that more than 100% of the registered voters in ??? (I can’t find it now) voted last night?

    And it’s OK for Dems to spend all the money they can find for Obumble’s re-election, but the Republicans are bad guys for doing the same thing in WI?

    And it’s OK to be an impromptu Union Spokesman, but still NOT know what form of government we have? (I’m guessing he’s an ex-civics teacher! Or maybe a ex-baseball coach anyway)

    I can’t wait for the bottom to fall out of civilization! I’ll be glad to see the Zombies eating the limbs right off of these fools!

    1. It’s not just that.

      Any time the Left wins, even by 50%+1, it’s over. The issue has been decided and it’s time to move on.

      But if they lose 80-20, that just means they’re gonna try again, and again until they finally win one, and the previous rule then applies.

      I read somewhere today that this fiasco in Wisconsin these last 18 months illustrates this pefectly. Had any of the Left’s tactics (fleebaggers, lawsuits, Prosser recall, state senate recalls, and yesterday’s recalls) succeeded, they’d be claiming “the will of the people!” and conservatives would have never challenged them. It’s the Brezhnev Doctrine applied to domestic politics (“what’s ours we keep, what’s yours is open to negotiation.”)

      That’s why yesterday is so satisfying. Now if we can elect more people who realize that standing up to these loud-mouthed bullies can result in wins…

    2. 110% of Madison’s registered voters cast ballots. You can bet Holder’s Justice Dept. will be all over this, just as they’ve warned the state of Florida to desist cleaning up its own list of eligible voters. The state has identified 2700 voters it suspects are non-citizens and has mailed them letters telling them to produce proof of citizenship, or they’ll be removed from the voter rolls. Clearly, that’s grossly unfair.

  9. Also, does that “four million dollars” include the $14 million from unions, the Democratic Governors Association and the Democratic National Committee?


  10. With Walker’s win, I wonder if he’ll feel confident enough to continue the job and take on the cops and the firefighters? There’s really no reason to not do this across the board, if he’s got the political clout to pull it off.

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