10 thoughts on “Two Guys In A Gun Shop”

  1. I think if you calmly, rationally consider everything you can only reach one conclusion:

    We have been invaded by aliens that want us to become defenseless.

    You thought lichen would go under the radar? These alien invaders are right out in the open and nobody can see them.

    Am I being too dry?

  2. G’day,

    Tell me about it. The New South Wales government has even banned f&^$ing slingshots.

    1. Sounds like it’s time for the good people of Australia to vote in a better bunch of politicians. Once accomplish, defund any of the groups who’re making this silly outcry.

      We in America need to do the same thing.

  3. Is this the same country that gave the world AC/DC, Crocodile Dundee, and Aussie Rules Football? Or is the country now run by the Little River Band and other assorted limp-wristed twits?

    1. The Aussies have been America’s most reliable ally for the past 100 years, even more than our BFF’s the Brits. We’ve fought together in WWI, WWII, Korea, Vietnam, the Gulf (I & II) and Afghanistan. I don’t think any other nation can say the same. Gotta love the Aussies! Only some of them are turning into whinny douchebags, hopefully a small but noisy minority.

  4. If a job has such morality or publicity provisions, then you have to abide by them or leave the job. The Olympics are a particularly painful nettle because there’s so much hypocritical expectations on participants (such as them having “amateur” status and such). But for the most part, these expectations are upfront and well known. You’re expected to appear to be perfect while you’re training and competing.

    Having said that, these two in particular seem to have gotten in trouble before.

    Neither is new to controversy.

    D’Arcy was kicked off the 2008 Olympic team after assaulting former swimmer Simon Cowley in a bar, leaving him with multiple facial injuries.

    He then declared himself bankrupt last year when a court ordered him to pay Cowley $370,000 in costs.

    Last year, Monk avoided charges after telling police he was the victim of a hit and run accident but later confessed he broke his elbow when he fell off his skateboard.

    The latest incident might be part of a long pattern of poor decisions and bad behavior on the part of these two. I agree that merely posing with guns is not a problem, but rather a long held US tradition which is as old as photography itself. Putting that picture on Facebook when you should have a pretty good idea that it’s going to cause publicity problems for you at your job, is a sign of poor judgment.

    1. Or are the people in Australia overlooking another ‘recent’ bad decision. That being the decision by the Australian Olympic Team to allow these knuckleheads to be on the team. Again?!

      And I just read where Hugo Chavez has all but taken guns away from his people via non-legislative means. And under that tired old Leftist reasoning that crime is too high!

      No one ever lowered crime be making more people defenseless!
      All these stories make me glad that I still live in a reasonably sane country. I bought a new .22LR target shooting pistol over the interweb just yesterday. But don’t tell Algore! He might get his feelings hurt if he knew it was possible to do such dastardly things.

  5. Guys, it was the conservatives under John Howard who disarmed private citizens in Australia in 1996 after the Port Arthur massacre (which could of course have been stopped had a few private citizens been armed). You can’t even own a semi auto .22 rifle here and if you want a bolt action .22 rifle you need to provide a valid reason for owning one. Self defense is not a valid reason. Apparently casualties due to home invasions etc are just the price of “civil order” according to Howard, who is horrified at the thought that an Australian might have to defend himself or family with a firearm. Of course the hypocritical little shit had armed guards at The Lodge(the Aussie Prime Minister’s official residence).
    Now the Labor government has decided to disarm the country by slashing defense spending to 1938 levels as % of GDP.

  6. I can understand not wanting olympic athletes posing with guns on FB, each to their own, but saying they are glorifying virginia tech ect takes it too far.

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