46 thoughts on “The Romney Campaign”

  1. Yesterday there were reports that the bus was circling and honking its horn at an Obama speech. That was hilarious.

  2. I would ask why you are not thrilled at the prospect of a Romney presidency, given your dislike of Obama and the current deficit. I might be worried that Romney would push National Health Care onto the nation, but that’s not an issue any more, is it? Given how well Romney dealt with the deficits of Massachusetts, it would seem that “Cometh the hour, cometh the man.”. Who better (Of our actual choices, sigh) to deal with our current overspending and over-regulation? This is genuine curiosity. I keep seeing this kind of post despairing over Romney to various degrees, and I just don’t get it. I mean, just the story about him closing the business to find the missing daughter should warm the heart of every Conservative.

    1. “but that’s not an issue any more, is it? ”

      It has to be though.

      Yes, the centrist Republicans are all for some sort of security blanket you could call ‘National Health Care’. So, that’s Romney.

      That isn’t, however, what Obamacare -is-. It isn’t based around getting and paying for ‘Medicaid’ for everyone. It’s based around at-least ‘Medi-care-‘ for everyone. With more perks.

      And this overlooks the deliberate obstruction of -both- the ‘private sector health care’ -and- the remnants of the ‘charity care’. Intended to be more fatal than ‘obstruction’ IMNSHO, but there’s no arguing that there is obstruction.

      1. “The Moving Finger Writes, and Having Writ, Moves On”. It’s not an issue anymore, however many “has”s you throw at it. Either the Supreme Court ends it, and everyone is so buttsore that it’s a dead issue for at least a decade, or it exists. If it exists, the Republicans haven’t been able to get rid of any Agencies, not even one as small and hateful as the NEA. So what is needed, if it exists, is someone with experience in reforming dysfunctional organizations, and that is a list of one, Romney.

          1. No argument about that. It just seems to me that Romney, who did such an amazing job as Governor of a one party state (not his party, either), is best positioned to deal with the screamfest.

        1. Not that it necessarily has any near-term significance for the actual future of the country, but, for the record, I just wanted to point out that Herman Cain’s business career was also mainly as a turnaround guy. He was an inside line management guy at both Pillsbury/Burger King and Godfather’s Pizza rather than an outside finance guy like Romney, but at the end of the day they were doing similar things. Romney would be wise to put Cain in a key position in his upcoming administration. Dude’s got skills.

      1. Yes, it’s amazing on multiple levels, and a wonderful counter to the “Moneygrubber” tag the Democrats keep throwing around. Money is important, but not the most important thing. Romney lives that, good luck finding a Democrat who does……

  3. I’m surprised the hip cool kids at the Obama campaign didn’t come up with the idea first, since they’re so down with the new media and internets and all. Who’d have thought the square unhip white Republican would have a staff with the savvy to put together the idea: “Hey, you follow someone on Twitter, and you can follow a tour bus. So why not follow the bus’s Twitter account?”

    Or maybe Romney has spies or double agents in the O campaign who tipped the idea before O’s folks could get it done.

  4. I argued against Romney’s nomination because I was sure all that “electable” carp was exactly that.

    I underestimated the skill and persistence that Obama would devote to engineering his own defeat. Mea culpa. But it only proves that the proverbial syphilitic camel could have beaten Obama, so why did the GOP actually have to nominate one?

  5. I’m seriously confused. What does sending your bus to your opponent’s publicized campaign event and having the driver act like a jerk accomplish?

    1. It shows that Romney has the management skills to delegate the task to his bus, whereas as Obama still shows up at campaign events and acts like a jerk himself. You’d think that after three and a half years he’d have found someone to do it for him, but the Teleprompter of the United States is a diva and insists on only speaking through Obama.

    2. It proves to anyone that cares that your two best tricks are not “Play Dead” and “Roll Over”.

  6. Admittedly the current Thug-in-Chief, makes things easier for Romney’s strategists. If you can’t make “Il Dufe” look like a stupid statist, you might as well go back to selling insurance or something.

  7. This stunt with the bus puzzled me, then, I remembered a scene from the Monty Python movie “The Life of Brian.” At the end of the movie, poor Brian is hanging on the cross when a squad of rebels come dashing up the hill. But instead of rescuing Brian, they kill themselves, saying “this will show the Romans.” (Yeah, it showed the Romans that the rebels were stupid.)

    So with the bus. Yeah, a twittering, honking bus will show Obama. It will show Obama (and the rest of America) that the towel-snapping, grab-ass petty tyrant image of Romney is accurate.

      1. “. . . towel-snapping, grab-ass petty tyrant. . . .” Oh, wait a minute! Now I’m the one who’s confused!I thought Gerrib was talking about OBAMA! I should have known by the word “petty.” There’s nothing petty about “Il Dufe’s” tyrrannical tendencies.

    1. Remember a couple weeks ago when Obama sent people out to heckle Romney as he went through some neighborhood? The media ate it up and didn’t report that it was Obama’s people who set it up.

      Now Obama has roving “truth squads” that go to Romney events.

      But the left loses their minds because Romney’s bus honked its horn. Oh the horror. Where is the civility?

      After OWS and WI, how can the left complain about campaign tactics, especially one so mild as honking a horn?

        1. Gerrib, call your ISP and ask if you can get Google in your area.

          Outside, meanwhile, some brick row houses across from the school were boarded up. Police had cordoned off a full city block to protect Romney and his entourage. Residents, some of them organized by Obama’s campaign, stood on their porches and gathered at a sidewalk corner to shout angrily at Romney.

          1. So, let me get this straight. Romney goes somewhere, and a block away people affiliated with Obama’s campaign are shouting at him. That means it’s okay for Romney to send his bus to honk at Obama’s event?

            At least the people shouting had a message. The bus’s “message” was “I’m an asshole.”

          2. At least the people shouting had a message.

            They did? All I can find is a reference to someone holding a sign saying “We are the 99%”. Which is a reference to OWS. “99%” aside, I’m guessing the majority of Americans would find equal weight in the two “messages”.

          3. So are you saying that when democrats act that way they are being assholes? Because they do stuff like this all the time. All the time…

            The jackass really is a fitting mascot.

  8. And now we’ve got the Daily Caller reporter “heckling” the President. First the twiterring bus, now the “hillbilly” in the press corps. The democrats heads are spinning like the Exorcist child over all the DISRESPECT being shown to the President. Oh, and in case you didn’t know, it’s cuz your RACIST!

    1. So, if I cut you off twice while you’re trying to say something, that’s okay?

      What everybody on this thread seems to be saying is that being an asshole in public is okay. If that’s how y’all want to role, so be it.

      1. Chris, don’t forget the huge protests where they burned George Bush in effigy. And now you want to lecture about civility? And that it is somehow disrespectful for a reporter to ask a tough question of the President? Your stance is, to put it generously, disingenuous.

      2. Chris, if Obama doesn’t take questions, what is a reporter supposed to do? Remove his shoes and throw them at him?

        Isn’t asking questions the proper roll of a reporter? (Or is that “role”. It’s tough because they both rhyme with “sole”)

      3. What everybody on this thread seems to be saying is that being an asshole in public is okay. If that’s how y’all want to role, so be it.

        LOL! So be it what? You’re going to call your goon squads on us? Where have you been? The malcontent Left has always been assholes in public — that’s their MO since inception centuries ago! Their calls to civility, the demand that their opponents alone must play by the Marquess of Queensberry Rules whilst resorting to domestic terrorism on an as-needed basis, has and continues to be simple post-modernism reaching through the mirror and playing bourgeoisie values against their owners, nothing more.

      4. Hey Chris. This is a taste of the Lefts own shit being fed back to it, how do you like it? Enjoy it hypocrite!

      5. Chris, when the press corps starts treating Barry with the same lack of respect that GWB got, he- and his worshippers- can complain. Until they meet the Bush standard, though, they have no room to complain.
        Your side created the new standard. Now live with it.

  9. In my own personal Assholic gauge, people who think my life and property is theirs (or their ideological gang’s) to dispose of and have a right to coerce me to live, spend my money and manage my affairs the way they would like me to, are pretty much higher up on the Asshole index than the Romney forces. Of course, I’m not speaking of anyone we know here.

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