Forget The Legitimacy Of The Court

How about the legitimacy of Congress and the White House?

[Update a few minutes later]

Actually, rather than enhancing the legitimacy of SCOTUS with this ruling among the public, the Chief Justice seems to have damaged it:

Thirty-seven percent (37%) now believe the Supreme Court is too liberal, while 22% think it’s too conservative. A week ago, public opinion was much more evenly divided: 32% said it was too liberal and 25% said too conservative.

In the latest survey, 31% now believe the balance is about right.

That’s got to help Mitt Romney, if he makes court appointments a campaign issue.

12 thoughts on “Forget The Legitimacy Of The Court”

  1. After the infamous Kelo decision a few years ago, how is anyone surprised that the Supreme Court would side with government over the rights of the citizens? Concent of the governed, my ass.

    Once more, I’m convinced that a lot of judges are no more than failed lawyers (or academics) with political connections.

    1. Well, the difference was that the Kelo decision came down in June 2005, before the appointment of Roberts. At the time of the Roberts and Alito confirmations, many of us thought that their appointments were going to change that. Unfortunately, we were mistaken.

      1. I believe it was Mark Twain who said that no one is safe whenever Congress is in session. Will Rogers said that people have the same feeling when Congress is in session as when they see a baby playing with a hammer.

        The same is true of the Supreme Court regardless of makeup. The Constitution only means what 5 justices say it means. Vote accordingly.

  2. 69% of the people see the court as biased… does not bode well for continued peace in the republic.

    1. There is no Republic. It’s gone; it’s dead; it’s over.

      We can argue over exactly when it was killed; perhaps in the 1930s or as far back as 1913. Some would say 1865.

      But there can be no question that the corpse finally stopped twitching last Thursday.

  3. Isn’t it interesting that when it came to outside political pressure on Roberts, the bullying of Obama mattered more than the unpopularity of Obamacare amongst the general public. The power of an Elite liberal minority trumps the power of the general public majority. What a sad day for American and the Supreme Court.

    Still. This event reinforces the danger Obama presents to the American Republic and the necessity of removing him from power before he does any more damage.

    1. Not to put too fine a point on it, Bob, but your side has been pursuing warfare and war-by-other-means against people politically opposed to them (I won’t say “their fellow Americans” because too many of your side would be offended to be called Americans) for a decade-plus now.
      Our turn.

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