21 thoughts on “David Axelrod, Soopergenius”

    1. Did you even read the article?

      “Valerie Jarrett’s financial disclosure form filed May 4 lists a line of credit from a Bermuda insurance company valued between $100,000 and $250,000.”

      Secret loans from Bermuda.

      Who cares.

      All that is on display here is the ethnocentrism of the left and of course their jingoistic false patriotism.

        1. So it is ok for the financial planners of democrats to do stuff like this but not the financial planners that run Romney’s blind trust? Your post is just more evidence of how hypocritical these attacks are.

          Attacks based on an ethnocentric world view and holding people to some jingoistic standard.

          1. Since you refuse to read my link, I’ll explain to you. The Democratic investments cited are with US companies which either moved the investment overseas or buys overseas securities.

            Romney’s Bermuda company, which he moved to his wife’s name the day before he was sworn in as Governor, is a Bermuda-based company created by and for Romney.

  1. Um, yes. Romney has a blind trust – which is just like having Chase invest your money. Romney is not allowed to choose his investments.

    This is normal with non-corrupt politicians.

    1. One of the more interesting bits in the latest installment of Caro’s endless Johnson biography was that one of the first things he did upon getting into the White House was having a private phone line installed into the Presidential bedroom suite so that he could have long, unrecorded conversations with the nominal trustee of his “blind trust”. We probably haven’t had a president as personally corrupt as Lyndon Johnson.

  2. Voters don’t care what Valerie Jarrett or Debbie Wasserman Schultz; most probably couldn’t tell you who they are. Voters care about the person on the ballot.

    Where’s the evidence that this is blowing up in the Dems’ faces?

  3. Don’t care what Valerie Jarrett or Debbie Wasserman Schultz do with their money, I meant to type….

    1. Jim,
      they put themselves out there, AS leaders and spokesman FOR Democrats, so they’re taking heat as the supposed leaders and spokesman for a big organization, like the DNC.

      They can’t say I’m ‘THIS’, ‘THAT’, or ‘THE OTHER THING’, and “…and I believe as ‘mericans, we should “X, Y and Z!!!”, then do something else contrary to that.

      Make no mistake, I think there are hypocrites everywhere including on the Right, but right now, this minute, THIS campaign, the Democrats are consistently opening doors, putting their foot through, then slamming the door just as hard as they can seemingly muster. It’s gone beyond hypocritical, it’s sad at this level.

      It’s a race for the office that is the leader of the Free World, but the DNC is running it like a Dog Catcher Campaign in East Armpit, SD.

    2. Is it okay if I care what they do with my money? That’s the thing that pisses me off about this — I’m supposed to care more about what Romney does with his own money than what the Obamarrhoids do with mine.

      Sorry, no sale.

      1. But, but…don’t you get it? Romney is evil because he is slightly less Progressive than Obama!

        Slightly less!

        Romney, Evil!!!

  4. So the Rom-dude hasn’t released alla his records? I’ll give a crap about that when Teh Won releases his actual birth certificate, college transcripts, master’s thesis, etc, etc, etc… Don’t EVEN bloviate about your opponent’s *secrecy* when *YOU* are the poster child for keepin it on the down low.

  5. Oh yeah, and BTW given teh won’s propensity for winning elections as a result of opponent’s theoretically *sealed* records magically making public appearances I can understand his handler’s desires to run the classic stealth campaign.

    This corrupt chi-town S*^^#@$ really needs to be shown the boot. My grandkid’s (and your’s) future demand it.

  6. My prediction;

    Romney will let the chorus build for a while, and then say something like, “Yes, Mr. President, you have a very good point regarding openness. Therefor, I’ll release my records when you release your medical records, college records – including financials – and passport records.”

    Obama sealed all those, so this would make an interesting counter-play.

    1. The DNC’s next brilliant move will be to claim that Romney’s mother once glanced at a bondage porn magazine as she walked past a magazine stand in New York. Then Romney will hold up the magazine in question and show the pictures of Obama’s mom.

      1. I’ll buy that happening in modern campaigning, and I expect them to go from boneheaded move to boneheadeder move. I just wish I was as good at picking Powerball Numbers, then I could afford the Obamacare taxes.

      2. The lefties were praying for a never-ending primary season. I’m starting to feel the same way about the general…

        1. Titus,
          they’ve HAD a never ending Primary Campaign going on since Jan 21st, 2009. Why should they stop now?

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