15 thoughts on “Obama’s Dupes”

  1. It is too late. They have the vote. It’s the idiots that gave it to them that caused our downfall.

    That’s not to say it’s too late for the country, but it may be.

    When voters can’t see their skin in the game they make stupid decisions.

    I’m just glad Obama is going to lose big in November even though, once again, the democrats got the opponent they wanted.

  2. If the polls look bad, he could just buy them off with a promise of student loan debt forgiveness. Universal PhD’s in Puppetry. Why not?

  3. The basic dynamic of the entitlement state favors the old over the young.

    Indeed, and yet the GOP’s stronghold is the elderly. Are they dupes too?

      1. Lowry thinks the young should be voting Republican to keep seniors from shackling them with debt. Meanwhile, it’s the seniors who are actually voting Republican, and it isn’t because they want the GOP to cut their benefits.

        Either seniors are dupes, or the GOP isn’t serious about cutting young-to-old transfer programs. The GOP pitch to young people is basically: let’s have the sort of women’s/contraception/gay/abortion/student loan/etc. policies that appeal to your grandparents, and in exchange we’ll ignore the fact that those grandparents are our most loyal voters, and go ahead and cut their benefits for your sake. Is it any surprise that young people aren’t buying?

        1. AARP backs the GOP?

          I suspect individuals, who have played the rules all their life, saved for their own retirement, and take care of themselves vote GOP. I’m sure there is many more people who do this than count on social security. But the AARP is a gravy train for Democrats, and it’s been that way for a long time.

          1. My assertion that senior citizens are the GOP’s best demographic? Check out 2010 exit polls. The R-D spreads, by age group:

            18-29: -17
            30-44: +3
            45-64: +8
            65-: +21

            The older a voter is, the more likely he is to vote GOP, regardless of anything AARP says.

        2. Your thesis appears to be that old people do not care about the young, and will not vote against their own short-term self-interest. But, maybe they recognize it, through long life experience, as short-term benefit, and likely ultimately to be harmful to themselves and their children. I would aver that, as you age, you start thinking less of yourself, and more of your legacy. That’s the way it is for most of us who actually grow up.

  4. Yes, they will get fooled again and all because they just don’t even know WHO, Pete Townsend is! Their loss.

    I’m not sure if the (D) will get them again I wonder if they won’t just lay out of this election, thinking it won’t matter anyway, [it’s just one vote] because The One is The One and being infallible, he can’t lose.

    1. as a true Who-phile, I must complain: you left out the “h” in “Townshend”.

      But good call on the origin of the phrase and its meaning. Townshend has said several times that the song “Won’t Get Fooled Again” is intended to be a cautionary tale about believing what any politician says. That’s part of why he refused to let that dickhead Michael Moore use it in Fahrenheit 9/11. “Meet the new boss, same as the old boss”, indeed.

      1. I’m the worlds worst typist with a old, sticky keyboard. It was an oversight, not a spello, I’m a WHO fan too!

        (d’ya ever feel too old cthulhu? I do when I think of THAT music vs the crap they call music now it has no soul, let alone any meaning or importance…)

  5. So Obama said this on Friday:

    “If he aspires to being president, one of the things you learn is, you are ultimately responsible for the conduct of your operations, that’s probably a question that he’s going to have to answer, and I think that’s a legitimate part of the campaign,”

    Ok. So now that we set the ground rules, let’s talk about Fast and Furious Mr. President.

    1. I am NOT going to hold my breath on that, are you Leland?

      My favorite part was how (enter the Obama goon’s name here, I now forget) tried to say F & F was a ‘part’ of Operation Wide Receiver. So once again, they tried to blame GWB.

      This is the saddest Administration in my lifetime. I hope!

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