4 thoughts on “Obama’s “Gaffe””

  1. Gaffe? It was a clear, truthful statement of one of his core beliefs.

    So, yeah, in the Bee-Hoe’s world, I guess it was a gaffe…

  2. Some define a “gaffe” as when a politician accidentally says what he really believes. His “you didn’t build it” statement was perfectly in line with his moronic “the private sector is doing fine” statement from a few weeks ago. Obama apparently believes that government is what drives the economy and bigger government is better. He’s either ignorant of basic economics or has been completely indoctrinated by socialist/marxist economic theory.

    I was at a gathering on the 4th of July where someone tried to convince me that because Obama went to Ivy League schools, he had to be extremely intelligent. I asked him about Obama’s economic ignorance and was told that he was just indoctrinated. When I asked him about Obama’s inability to learn from the exhaustive list of failures on socialist/marxist economic policites, he had no answer. If you can’t learn, how intelligent are you? Obama might be “book smart” (even evidence of that is weak) but he isn’t very intelligent and shows no signs of wisdom at all.

  3. Ah marvelous the sound byte driven media. Are we still talking about that vulture capitalist person?

  4. This generation has been taught to be sheep. Liberty isn’t even a considered concept. Follow the money and you see a concentration of power in the government that the world has never seen before.

    We’ve just expanded the IRS into another sixth of our economy with ACA.

    We all know we can’t fight the IRS. This is why we should eliminate them. More and more I’m liking the Fair Tax (even with some hesitation) simply because it calls for the elimination of the IRS.

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