3 thoughts on “A Modern-Day Walter Duranty”

  1. I admit that when it comes to foreign policy, my expertise is about on the level of Chris Gerrib’s on economics and logic. But Cockburn was one of the reasons I could never get sold on libertarian foreign policy: at least as it was argued by Murray Rothbard and others of that persuasion. They tended to rely on left-wingers like Cockburn for their sources. They also relied on “revisionist” New Left “historians,” at least two of whom, as I recall, later admitted they were dealing in left-wing party-line pseudo-history.

  2. From reading that, you’d think there is a possibility of being a reactionary was a BAD thing!! I think it depends on where you are standing politically, financially, mentally right…………………….NOW.

    Mixed with who’s in charge.

    What the economy is likely to do.

    Whether the world is running smoothly or if it’s about to go Ouroboros, and the loop getting ever smaller.

    just a suggestion, don’t EVER use CG as a bench mark like that. You just make yourself seem not only unknowing, but maybe a little rabidly unknowing.

  3. Thanks for the advice, Schtumpy. It was meant as (I think this is the term) a “jeu d’esprit.”

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