Still On The Road

Blogging will continue to be light for the next couple days. We spent the weekend in Vallejo after the NewSpace conference, and are heading over to Yosemite today, then back down 395 to LA tomorrow.

Be good in comments.

17 thoughts on “Still On The Road”

  1. Have fun, Rand!


    Okay, now as this is sort of (I hope) an open thread, I’d like to make a general request for advice; I’ve been having trouble loading this site lately. Sometimes it’s fine, other times it’s text-based on a white background, the blogroll sites at the top, and other times it’s the mobile skin.

    I seem to remember seeing someone here with similar issues a few months back, but I can;t seem to find the posts. I dimly recall that the “fix” was to use a different URL, but I’m not sure.

    I’m using Firefox, and the issues began about two weeks ago. The URL I use is

    Any ideas? Thanks!!

    Would anyone happen to know

      1. Same problem with IE. The alternative is dropping the leading www. Sometimes that works, sometimes it doesn’t. It’s been more stable the last few days.

      2. Seems fine on my laptop running Chrome / Win7 – really haven’t noticed any issues at all …

    1. Ditto to the above and sometimes when typeing from my tablet on Opera mobile the name and email fields are populated and sometimes not.

    2. I think the issue is that the “skin” metadata doesn’t always make it to your browser. I occasionally see it with other sites ( is a common one for me). If the skin metadata is sent separately from the main content, that might explain things. Either the host isn’t sending it (or sending it mangled on occasion) or perhaps something between TM and us eats that metadata. Personally, I bet its a host issue with a bug that mangles or blocks the skin metadata.

  2. Have fun, Rand!


    Okay, now as this is sort of (I hope) an open thread, I’d like to make a general request for advice; I’ve been having trouble loading this site lately. Sometimes it’s fine, other times it’s text-based on a white background, the blogroll sites at the top, and other times it’s the mobile skin.

    I seem to remember seeing someone here with similar issues a few months back, but I can;t seem to find the posts. I dimly recall that the “fix” was to use a different URL, but I’m not sure.

    I’m using Firefox, and the issues began about two weeks ago. The URL I use is

    Any ideas? Thanks!!

    1. Dr Curry has one.

      If the attribution problem was as simple as Muller makes it out to be (curve fitting to CO2 concentration), then why are others wasting all their time with complex modeling studies, data analyses etc?

      Her question is rhetorical. The answer is obviously “that’s where the money is.”

      As for your LA Times excrement, I wouldn’t recommend anyone wasting their time.

    2. “I still find that much, if not most, of what is attributed to climate change is speculative, exaggerated or just plain wrong” – Richard Muller, that sums it up.

      I’ve often said, there’s much to be lost by arguing the science. Who *cares* if the Earth is warming a few degrees per century? I’m pretty sure the transhumanist supermen of the 22nd century can handle it.

      And then we have Elon Musk saying of CO2 “we need to tax it, the way we tax cigarettes and alcohol, for the public good.” The fact that he needs this tax to make his Solar City investment pay off is just a coincidence.

      1. Trent,

        Not to mention the price advantage it would give to Telsa’s new electric sedan 🙂

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