6 thoughts on ““Bin Laden Is Dead And GM Is Alive””

    1. Maybe if they keep pushing sub prime loans they will make more money and if not well, we can always bail them out again.

      1. It would be more accurate to call GM undead because that’s what you are when you have nothing to offer your suckers shareholders in the way of ROI.

  1. There is a certain kind of arrogance to the post-bailout GM.

    GM, and only GM, illuminates the backup lamps as part of the keyless entry system. Now I know there are a lot of annoying things that the keyless entry does on many makes of cars, but you are waiting for some late-model ‘Lade to back out of a parking space, and then some dude comes sauntering out of the car.

    No one else is doing this (illuminate backup lamps with the keyless entry). It also happens to be against the law in Wisconsin (see http://www.dot.wisconsin.gov/drivers/docs/violations.pdf 347.26(4)(b)). There is a reason for it to be against the law, namely, the safety degradation of a “false alarm” that someone is about to back up.

    GM is putting cars on the road in Wisconsin that are not street legal. But no one is enforcing the law or even cares to enforce the law. I contacted the GM suits about this through my local Member of Congress, and I got this lame form letter about “how GM is constantly addressing consumer concerns.”

    What part of against-the-law do those suits in RenCen not understand? This is not a “consumer concern” as I do not own a GM vehicle. This is an innocent-bystander-at-risk-of-getting-flattened-at-work-in-the-parking garage because you dudes can’t bother to conform to the law regarding backup lamps carrying out their lawful function.

    Chris, there are a lot of things to defend with respect to the Obama Adminstration and the sort of auto-snark against everything Obama from the Libertarian/Conservative/Right Blogosphere. But GM isn’t one of them. Not only are they among the most arrogant corporations out there, they are beyond arrogant now that they have the force of the gummint’ behind them, that they are now completely beyond the law. A liberal shouldn’t stand for this kind of thing.

    1. If it’s against the law, Paul, you ought to contact a lawyer and see if a lawsuit or a class action lawsuit makes sense.

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