Commenting Problems

A few people have told me that they’ve been having problems commenting lately. I finally figured out the problem. I get notified of moderated comments that WordPress is holding, but not for Akismet. So I just went into Akismet and found several comments by regulars that it had thought (for whatever reason) was spam. I’ve released them all, and will now start checking that regularly i.e. at least daily). If you are trying to post and it’s not accepting it, let me know.

4 thoughts on “Commenting Problems”

  1. Let’s see if I can stop posting as MPM and start posting as mmeijeri again so my Gravatar will show up.

    1. The Internet gods be praised! I am stuck in a moderation queue however, so now I have to decide if the Gravatar is worth a wait.

  2. I don’t know if this helps, but page two and beyond seem mostly ok. Can’t post on page one articles.

    However, Name, email and URL fields are not prefilled on any page.

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