6 thoughts on “The DEA”

  1. Can we include the TSA, too, please.

    One of the more satisfying aspects to the defeat of David Dewhurst — he was almost single-handled responsible for killing the bill which would have made some of of the more outrageous TSA procedures a felony in Texas.

  2. Don’t forget the EPA. I don’t think it can be reformed. Burn it to the ground and start over.

  3. The Romney plan is to get spending down to the 20% of GDP that it was before Obama. I would call that a start with 10% a better goal. This would necessarily mean eliminating many of the departments created in the 20th century.

    But the real problem is rule of law no longer exists. The DEA broke the law. People died. This has to have repercussions (not promotions.) Rule of law has to apply to everyone (not waived away for friends of the administration which is the very definition of tyranny.)

  4. Abolishing the DEA entirely is not going to sit well with non-libertarian conservatives (“Won’t someone think of the children!”). But limiting the DEA to international and interstate drug trafficking might be doable with a strong enough Tea Party majority.

  5. DoE, Since the payoff to the teacher’s unions that created this sucking chest wound of a department during the Carter administration test scores have done bupkis. Wanna save a trillion over 10 years? (seems to be the new paradigm). At a cool 100 billion per annum deep sixing this waste of flesh would fit the bill nicely. Bet pretty much everyone except the bureaucrats sucking up tax dollars to no effect wouldn’t miss it’s loss.

  6. You haven’t truly encountered the most volatile mixture of arrogance, ignorance and incompetence until you’ve dealt with an ATF agent. I was honestly surprised he could breathe without conscious direction.

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