4 thoughts on “I See Clueless People”

  1. Actually many of the people whose tweets are cited seem to be non-American, so might not be familiar with the Onion and its brand of dead-pan parody. Some of them might not even be “progressives” as we know the term. The Onion’s decision to put this out strikes me as unnecessary and rather cruel, to the people whose family members were injured and killed and to the Sikh community at large. Was there a parallel humor column from the Onion after the Aurora shooting? Or was the fact that Sikhs (aka “almost Muslims” in the eyes of most Americans apparently) were the victims this time mean they get treated less respectfully?

    1. I haven’t paid enough attention to this but funny you said the “almost Muslim” wonder if this shooter actually saw them as Muslims, know he had 9/11 tattoo or was he strictly anti foreigner, white supremacist. Other than dosen’t really matter and he was a nut.

  2. Progressives are clueless herd animals that get their news from the comedy network. Anything Sarah says based on facts they are unaware of they jump on as a mistake. My favorite was when Sarah made reference to Obama’s 57 states and they piled on thinking it was her gaffe.

    They’re idiots. Dangerous idiots.

  3. Peace-loving? That’s not the first phrase that comes to mind when I cogitate upon Sikhs. I’m deeply disappointed that that murdering bastardi wasn’t filleted on the spot.

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