Separate But Equal

The University of Colorado is going to have segregated dorms for CCW holders. This is just going to spur another lawsuit against the hoplophobes. Here’s a similar story with the actual CU press release. But this is the first time I’d heard this:

Less than 1% of CU’s student-body population is believed to have concealed-carry permits.

One such permit holder, a graduate student at CU-Denver, catapulted into notoriety last month after allegedly carrying out a midnight massacre at a crowded suburban Denver theater. There has been no indication that accused Aurora shooter James Holmes brought guns to campus.

I haven’t done an extensive search, but I can’t find anything to back up the “fact” that Homes had a permit. I would have thought this would have been a huge part of the story if true, and used to bash permit holders.

28 thoughts on “Separate But Equal”

  1. They probably found someone with the same name registered as a concealed carry permit holder and…

    Anyway, here’s what NBC had to say about the shooter; no mention of conceal and carry.

    As for CU, the whole idea sounds stupid. Only 1% of your population, yet you will give them their own housing? And to what value? So everyone else knows what dorm not to rob, rape, or shoot, and therefore what dorms are soft targets? Which dorm would you rather stay? But most importantly, what would any of CU’s suggestion have done to stop the crime that was committed? Isn’t it the crime that’s instigating the change, therefore shouldn’t their change have some effect?

    1. Only 1% of your population, yet you will give them their own housing? And to what value?

      You have insufficient imagination. They should start a campus gun club and designate the dorm as their club house. Petition to construct a shooting range. Invite students from other parts of the university over for matches and CCW classes. This would be far more effective than a lawsuit.

      And I’ll bet the gun dorm has far less graffiti, vandalism, littering, etc. than any other dorm on campus.

        1. That’s a matter for Colorado taxpayers to address at the polls. Let liberal Democrats find out they’re subsidizing a gun club and they might change their minds. 🙂

        2. Since when have the liberals in the People’s Republic of Boulder (AKA “Cloud-Koo-Kooland”) and CU ever been concerned about wasting Colorado taxpayer dollars. They seem to believe it’s not only their right but a badge of honor.

    2. Well, I don’t carry – but I’d want to be in that dorm anyway. All the carrying folks make me safer!

  2. “hoplophobe”….love that word. Comes from the Greek – hoplon, for example, is the ancient Greek word for their shield. Hoplite is the ancient Greek name for their warriors since they carried hoplons.

    Makes me smile since these days I’ve been doing a study of 5th Century Sparta and Athens.

      1. Nothing new under the Sun, Titus old buddy.

        Like for example…..

        a lot of lefty acquaintances say that there IS NO voter fraud.

        Well voter fraud has been around since…well…Athens invented the vote. Archeologists have found 12,000 “ostrakons” hidden in wells scattered around Athens.

        Ostrakons were pottery sherds used to vote a citizen into banishment from Athens. You’d take a chunk of broken pottery, scratch some poor slob’s name on it and throw that into the bucket to vote. Whatever name appeared the most times….that person was banished from Athens…..or…..


        They found bundles of ostrakons with Thermistocles name on it but the Athenian Acorns didn’t need to use them..he was voted out of town…

        For some strange reason, Lefties think we are oh so more noble and oh so more trustworthy and oh so more civilized today than back then.


  3. I wonder how many students will obtain a CWP just so they can live in the carry dorm but with no intention of carrying themselves?

    1. Exactly what I was thinking. This could definitely cause CCW permit applications to spike upwards.

      Which isn’t necessarily a good thing. Having a gun is a responsibility. I wouldn’t want people having guns who aren’t responsible people, but just want into the newest housing.

      1. Brock, I doubt you’ll need the permit to get in the dorm. I’d posit that very quickly it will go from being “1 dorm that allows guns” to “why are we keeping a gun-free dorm for the 2 crazies that are afraid of guns?”.

        I wouldn’t want people having guns who aren’t responsible people

        Interestingly, us responsibly irresponsible people don’t get guns because we agree with you – but we are very happy that there are many people that step up. Gun control laws hurt those that don’t carry too.

  4. Seems to me that this is a lefty-inspired example of creating a CCW ghetto. Pack all them loony bitter clingers into one dorm so that we don’t have to spoil the rest of our precious diversity-laden dorms.

    1. And I imagine it’ll lead to other segregation attempts. Once one group gets their own dorm, then why not other groups? It’s interesting how “diversity” leads to rank hypocrisy.

      1. “It’s interesting how “diversity” leads to rank hypocrisy.”

        True. Especially when you want a gay-free Boy Scout troop or an all-male club.

  5. We used to shoot trap off one of the football practice fields. No one seemed to notice or care about 10 people carrying their shotguns around. I suspect if we had our own dorm that it would have been easier to get dates with hot country girls who are handy with guns.

    1. I took a public speaking class in college, 1982, and we had to give an informal talk on how to complete some task. I chose cleaning a shotgun. So I walked across campus and into class carrying a shotgun, never got so much as a second look. The good old days.

  6. I’ll bet the James Holmes CCW permit holder is also the James Holmes the Tea Party organizer.

    1. I thought that too. I’, 188.7% sure that IF the shooter Holmes had a CCW we’d all know about it.

  7. From a safety standpoint of course, it’s better to have the CCW carriers sprinkled throughout the dorms. That way any attacker faces the possibility of meeting one, and might be deterred.

    But I doubt this is about safety. I wonder if that one dorm will be the “Kennesaw, Georgia” of CU….no crime, completely safe, while the other dorms suffer:

    “In 1982, the Kennesaw City Council unanimously passed a law requiring heads of households to own at least one firearm with ammunition..
    “People all over the country said there would be shootings in the street and violence in homes,” he said. “Of course, that wasn’t the case.”

    In fact, according to Stephenson, it caused the crime rate in the city to plunge.

    Kennesaw Historical Society president Robert Jones said following the law’s passage, the crime rate dropped 89 percent in the city, compared to the modest 10 percent drop statewide.

    “It did drop after it was passed,” he said. “After it initially dropped, it has stayed at the same low level for the past 16 years.” “

    1. I use Lewis Carroll’s “Hunting of the Snark” as a metaphor: you can go hunting snarks as much as it plases you, but remember that some snarks are boojums- and if you catch one, you’ll no more be heard from.

  8. It was obviously a lie, the text has since been changed, and the claim that he was a CCW license holder was removed:

    Under 1% of the university’s students hold gun permits.

    But a former student, James Holmes, became infamous last month when he turned a Denver-area movie theater into a slaughterhouse by murdering 12 people at a screening of the new Batman movie with legally purchased weapons.

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