22 thoughts on “Off Line”

  1. OK, I’ll give everyone a topic.

    A Repub says something totally ignorant about human reproductive biology that was also regarded as deeply insensitive in drawing distinctions between instances of non-consensual sex, distinctions that I believe have some common-law legal basis in the level of violence involved and the amount of prison time handed out. So the dude was ignorant and says he was wrong. Is this a big deal?

    A Repub goes “skinny dipping” in the body of water on which Jesus walked, freaking out the disciples. I am thinking there was no sexual misconduct apart from brief public nudity in the dark of night. I am also told there may have been alcohol involved in lowering inhibitions. I am a Catholic Christian and am not bothered by this unless my pastor this Sunday gives a sermon persuading me I should be. I am open to concerns of people of the other Abrahamic faiths on this. Tell me, was this some kind of sacrilege as the Sea of Gallilee is considered a holy site? Was this “frat house conduct unbecoming of a Member of Congress in a foreign country?” Where was the harm and hence the foul?

    A Dem candidate in Minnesota has gay sex with another man aged 17. I am thinking it is a scandal for a Repub because most Repubs court the Social Conservative vote to get elected, but Dems mostly believe in gay lib and gay marriage and free expression, so like, is this a problem?

    1. You do have to wonder why the story of a guy skinny dipping a year ago was leaked just now. Oh, look something shiny….

      1. So what is the harm or foul of skinny dipping to begin with? He didn’t drive off a bridge in his Oldsmobile or anything?

    2. Technically, there is no such thing as a Christian holy site. I hope to visit the “Holy Land” some day but even as an evangelical Christian I view all of it only as historically interesting or significant. By the same token I would love to visit Mars Hill in Greece to see the spot where Paul argued the concept of the unknown God to the philosophers of the day.

  2. Along the lines of Paul above;
    A Dem Senator uses a private aircraft to make flights around their state for political fundraisers. The Dem Senator charges the operational costs to the federal taxpayers and fails to pay state property taxes on the aircraft. I see this as a Repub scandal because Repubs believe in private property rights and responsibilities, but Dems mostly believe in communal property in which the community is responsible for the needs and wants of the individual; so like is this a problem?

    Taxpayers, can I borrow the aircraft next? I want to visit some property in Colorado and need a way to get there.

    1. C’mon, the putative Dem Senator using the private airplane would be in trouble, and if isn’t in trouble, this is evidence of media hypocrisy. Dems believe in government largess, for sure, but they believe in “clean government” and all that stuff.

    1. Exclusion of unprocessed fuels from the existing cellulosic biofuel producer credit.

      Does that have something to do with cellulite removal?

  3. Here is one for our lefty friends. Take a look at the circular referencing in these stories about Biden being in town for the GoP convention.



    Drudge links to the stories but then the stories credit Drudge with the story.

    Drudge: “Hey, I saw this thing about Biden on this website.”

    /goes to web site

    Website: “Hey, we saw this thing about Biden on Drudge.”

  4. Mr. Milenkovic:

    I do see the described news as a problem, yes. For two reasons; the fact of sex with a minor and the language of the sentence itself. In particular, the hijacking of a formerly useful word by homosexuals.

    Try this for more accuracy, although I admit that this version makes possibly justified assumptions: “A Dem candidate in Minnesota sodomises a 17-year-old male teenager.”

    This is not a minor matter. Language is important, and the homosexual “community” has been allowed to hijack the English language (and probably others) for far too long.

    As an aside, I would love to see a lawsuit started in the European Court of Human Rights or somewhere like that, for something resembling defamation – by representatives of the population of the Greek island of Lesbos.

      1. Jiminator,

        You need to study some geography. Charlotte NC is a long way from the coast. By the time Hurricanes reach it they aren’t hurricanes and so all they get is rain because the Hurricanes have dumped most of their energy on Florida and Georgia. The Hurricanes that actually hit the North Carolina coast tend to go north into Virginia with only the rain at the edge impacting Charlotte. That is why Charlotte is a major evacuation destination for folks fleeing from hurricanes on the North Carolina coast.

        Tampa, Florida by contrast is on a bay of the ocean and has been visited many times in the past by hurricanes that have shut the city down for days. Unlike Charlotte, where folks go to sit out a hurricane, Tampa is a place folks flee from during a hurricane.

        As for it being partisan, its not my fault the RNC made a poor decision that may ruin their convention. Basically they gambled on the weather and now they may lose that gamble.

        1. The wikipedia article showed that two-thirds of all hurricanes hitting NC with an intensity of category 3 or higher occurred in September. Charlotte is one of several evacuation destinations

          Your’s was a throwaway post simply intended to insult a group you disagree with politically. I can’t imagine you would ever apply your logic to other Tampa events…

          – You really have to wonder what the NFL was thinking by scheduling football games in Hurricane country during Hurricane season

          – You really have to wonder what MLB was thinking by scheduling baseball games in Hurricane country during Hurricane season

          1. Jiminator,

            There is a big difference between a city being an evacuation destination instead of ground zero.

            Those sporting events are not one time events like a major political convention. So if a hurricane is coming they just reschedule them, no different that a blizzard in Minnesota or rain out during the summer. In short it happens all the time in sports and no one but the ticket holders care. But if the Republican Convention is shut down by a Hurricane the options and time to reschedule are very limited and it will put them at a major disadvantage without the convention “bump” to help their numbers along. I don’t recall when, if ever, a major political convention was rescheduled.

            As for disagreeing with them politically, I voted Republican for President for the last 36 years. Have you? The ones I disagree with are the Tea Party radicals who have pulled the Republicans to the right and are ruining their chances in this election with their radical politics. That is why I post comments about the Tea Party.

            If I wasn’t a Republican I would just be cheering them on as they are the best ally President Obama and the Democrats have in winning this election. Just look at the mess the Tea Party favorite made in Missouri of what would have been a likely win for them. Even Sarah Palin is advocating throwing him under the bus. Or in this case calling for him to “man up” and jump on his own…


      2. Boring “news” story almost over. Isaac not likely to grow to a Cat 1. It’s not making its turn north. The forecast is now sliding to the Florida/Alabama border. And Elko, NV still lacks enough hotel rooms to host a convention.

        But hey, HuffPo got a pageview, so I guess they knew how to milk a cow.

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