11 thoughts on “What Happened In Egypt”

  1. “But now there is no constitution. There are no restrictions on presidential powers.”

    For a minute there, I thought he was writing about the United States under the Obama junta…

  2. I knew this was going to happen ever since Mubarak was ousted. It is the same crap that happened in Turkey and Algeria but only worse. You replace military leaders with elected fundamentalists and crap ensues. It seems these people can only have a stable government if it is either a military dictatorship or a monarchy of some sort. Libya is controlled by Al-Qaeda and Iraq is controlled by Shia Muslims with close ties to Iran. Now there is Western support for doing a coup in Syria to install Al-Qaeda in the place of their current de facto monarchy. Blech.

  3. The Arab Spring has been a debacle for Obama and the media wont even cover the events there much less lay any responsibility at the feet of Obama.

    I am not sure what the right course of action should have been but it is obvious by the way things have played out the Obama had the wrong strategy.

    It is as if Obama actually believes that Islamists pose no threat to us or anyone else in contradiction to all of the evidence to the contrary out of the region for the last 40 years. I guess it shouldn’t be surprising considering the groups and individuals he associates with but it isn’t the Jews who are going to suffer but just as in every other country where Islamists hold sway it is the minorities and other Muslims in those countries who will suffer the most.

  4. The US could not bring democracy to Iraq because it was Bush’s war, and Iraq has no tradition of democracy and shut up.

    But Obama’s kinetic military action will bring democracy to the Arab world despite the lack of traditional democracy because Obama’s sh*t doesn’t stink.

    Got it?

    1. Titus,
      you left out something.

      Got it? (foot STOMP!)

      [if you’re going to sound like a (D) or a 14 y/o girl, you’ve gotta have a goof foot stomp]

  5. Ubiquitous mobile phones with integral digital cameras exist for a reason. Substantiating claims of rampant crucifixion in the Islamic world is at the core of that reason. So I’m with the state of Missouri on this one – show me. Or go stand in the corner with all the people so eager to talk about (but never show) Jews killing Christian or Moslem babies to eat their blood.

    1. We’re almost two weeks out from the event, and no coverage outside of Drudge and the security-hawk sites like WND and the Blaze. I smell an urban legend; the conservative edge of the mainstream (Fox News, Washington Times) is dead silent. You don’t lynch someone in front of the Egyptian White House and get bupkis mainstream coverage.

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