4 thoughts on “The EPA”

  1. I was in a conference last week. One thing I told the Instructor, a retired EPA Employee and his A.I., the retired head of the Tennessee program, was that EPA (and all Federal regulatory and LE agencies as well) should have to submit its finalized rules to Congress for an up or down vote like the agencies in my state must do for the legislature.

    Their response was Congress would only make things worse and they did nt know enough to make such judgements.

    I disagree. Sunshine for everybody. We obviously need an additional check and balance. Just the knowledge they have to run the Gauntlet would serve to curb the worst excesses in and of itself.

  2. Every agency with cabinet-level representation gets to write a 1,000 page tome of regulations. Which then have to be reauthorized yearly.

    The “professionals” get to write up their definitions, etc. And Congress gets to slap them down as needed.

    1,000 pages might seem mighty tight quarters, but the EPA has half the buildings on the National Mall and even Cthulhu doesn’t know how many pages of regulations… for an agency whose one rule can be summed up as: “Don’t pollute.”

    NIST has no problems, and their work is used in several orders of magnitude more daily transactions.

  3. It doesn’t matter what the courts or congress says, the EPA will just nod their head then go back to what they were doing that landed them in court or before congress in the first place.

    1. Revoke sovereign immunity for everyone sitting at a desk that goes along with a constitutional violation.

      This means that the random asinine regulatory rulings have -someone- to hold accountable -personally- in civil suits. Yes, it would still be a hell of a fight to actually get a bureaucrat in court. But it will put a damper on pushing insane crap “because we can”. The fellow going on about “crucifying” businesses … congratulations, your summer home is now mine, etc.

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