10 thoughts on ““Worse Than Katrina””

  1. Well, obviously Romney must hate blacks because he’s partying while they drown.

    I’m glad the asshole who said that got fired so quickly. First thing that Yahoo has done right in years. Now if the other crazies will just step up to the microphone …

  2. “An intentional levee breach may be necessary to relieve pressure.”

    You mean they’ll blow the levee the way George Bush did in order to kill all the black people?

  3. It looks like every hurricane has a unique personality. Isaac is just about the worst-case scenario for low-lying areas in Louisiana. It’s just sitting there pouring rain.

    In a way it’s reminiscent of Irene last year. It came up the East Coast and was headed for New York City. Since NYC is such a media hub, it was hyped out the wazoo. “OMG! Armageddon!!!111!” Then Irene weakened until it was barely Category 1 at landfall. Everybody seemed almost disappointed and called it a fizzle.

    It continued to weaken until it was “only” a tropical storm. Then it reached Vermont, and it f*cked them up big time. Every river in the state flooded, roads and bridges were washed away, and about a dozen towns were completely cut off from the outside world and had to be resupplied by helicopter.

    But most people had forgotten about it by then. Afterwards, I saw a comment on a blog: “OK, so who had Vermont in the “state hardest hit by Irene” pool?”

  4. Jindal has been asking for a federal disaster declaration but Obama has so far refused. It is not the first time that he has refused to grant federal help to red states, think flooding in Tennessee and Texas wildfires.

    This is the part where I RP a Democrat. Jindal is an Indian-American and we all know the xenophobia and ethnocentrism that is constantly directed at Indians by Democrats. “Dey took our jaawwbs. We need more Murican jaaawbs.”

    1. Don’t forget about the whole oil leak in the gulf mess and the delayed response there. People seem to have forgotten about the way the administration turned down assistance offers early on and just let the leak continue to get worse. I believed at the time (and still do) that the administration’s slow response in that incident was part of an attempt to push the “alternative energy” agenda.

  5. I liked some of the Tweets from those well wishers on the Left when they were saying they hoped the hurricane caused pain, suffering and death on the Republicans in Tampa.

    I’m not sure how that was going to MISS the citizens of Tampa who aren’t Republicans.

  6. Hey Samuel L Jackson, do you think your God wanted to punish the blacks in Louisiana? They sure aren’t getting spared.

    At least FEMA will be on the job quickly, since Jindal requested them in advance…

  7. I was happy to check the radar map today and see the storm was moving into Mississippi and northern Louisiana. That’s not much of an improvement for New Orleans, as all that rainfall to the north will come back down the river. Isaac is reminding me less of Katrina and more of Allison.

    1. People who don’t live near rivers don’t understand this Leland. I grew up in Louisville, KY, I’m a long time river watcher because of it. If they had big drenching rain in Cincinnati or Pittsburgh surroundings and it lasted long enough for some flooding there, it rolled right down to us in the Falls City, and lower parts of our town flooded.

      I used to work with a guy who grew up in he swamp in Louisiana, on a double barge that his grandfather built. They had big hand winches with steel rope that anchored the barges. The whole thing got moved further into the bayous for hurricanes and when it flooded during storms, they simply played out more rope to move with the rising water.

      He said the biggest problem during those events was snakes, most venomous, looking for somewhere to ‘rest’. And I complain about fire ants in my yard!

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