Antonio Villaraigosa

…”is the Hispanic Obama”:

Clean, articulate, well spoken, and full of shit beyond reckoning.

Though as another commenter points out, he’s not actually all that articulate or well-spoken. Of course, neither is Obama, when off teleprompter.

Fortunately, he’s only been Peter Principled to a position where he can just wreck Los Angeles, instead of the whole country, as Obama was. It is amazing that they made this clown head of their convention. Everyone I know in LA split a gut when they heard about his new role. As is noted, unlike the Republicans, with Rubio, Cruz, Martinez, etc., he’s the best the Dems can come up with as their token Hispanic.

Of course, in fairness to Dr. Peter, the Donkeys seem to have a knack for promoting hacks to far above their level of incompetence.

7 thoughts on “Antonio Villaraigosa”

  1. Actually, I’m not sure the P.P. applies? They are promoted because they are hacks and remain incompetent the whole time. However, there is one area they are extremely competent at… funneling tax dollars to politic cause. It’s done openly and blatantly and the stupid party seems unable to deal with these evil party shenanigans. Until we address that, nothing will change.

  2. I met him a couple times he was just a councilman of the 14th distruct. Believe it or not, it’s actually an insult to Obama to compare the two.

    …and, since I do not wish to slight stumps or bags of hammers, I shall say nothing further.

  3. “…full of shit beyond reckoning.”

    THAT’S the funniest thing I’ve heard in a LONG while, considering who’s being referenced.

  4. Just an aside on the “clean and articulate” riff.

    Biden is oft quoted on “clean and articulate”, but that gaffe is IMHO better in full.

    “I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy.”

    So Obama is the FIRST mainstream African American who isn’t inarticulate, dumb, unclean and ugly???

    Can you just imagine if a Republican had said what Biden said?

  5. Well, it’s not quite that bad. Biden did say “and” after all. So he was saying Obama is the first who wasn’t either inarticulate, dumb, dirty, or ugly. Or, paraphrasing slightly, before the O, the only smart X was a dirty X (the value of X may vary depending on the target audience).

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