30 thoughts on “Mayor Castro”

  1. So far as I can tell, “right wing” has something close to an agreed upon definition:

    those who support political or social or economic conservatism; those who believe that things are better left unchanged.

    Which reflects the historical origins, with monarchists sitting on the right and both republicans and socialists sitting on the left.

    The thing is, the social order has changed. All statists are right wing. It’s only the minority that are agitating for real change.

    1. It isa fine trick indeed to describe the fundamental change from status quo that is statism, and claim that “right wingers” support it. The definition of statism is a term used by political scientists to describe the belief that a government should control either economic or social policy or both to some degree., which is the philosophy shared by most modern progressives.

      You also try to trick the reader further by claiming conservatives “want things unchanged”. No, they want things conservative in impact. Conservatives these days desire a fairly massive amount of change, in making the government impact on people’s lives, well, Conservative.

      In short you neither understand statism nor the mind of the modern conservative (and try to lump social/fiscal conservatives together when they are vastly different realms)

      1. I’m reading [i]my[/i] definitions from a little book we call “the dictionary” and talking about the historical origin of those words. Where are you getting yours?

        Getting offended that people don’t use the same words as you has to be the stupidest part of politics.

      2. I’m reading my definitions from a little book we call “the dictionary” and talking about the historical origin of those words. Where are you getting yours?

        Getting offended that people don’t use the same words as you has to be the stupidest part of politics.

    2. “Government is the only thing we have in common…”
      THE definitiev statist staement.
      Who said it, Trent?

  2. I wonder if he is a decedent of Don Guillermo Castro whom Castro Valley California is named after. But then Castro is a common Hispanic last name meaning “fortification”, unlike Hitler which was a modification of Hiedler.

    BTW I have had a number of Castros in my class, but all were or Mexican origin.

    1. In Sacramento I went to school with three boys named Castro — two brothers and a cousin. Although I’d heard of Fidel he was never my first association with that surname.

  3. Dang, was going to post a comment about somebody who was going to come along and insist that “right wing” actually has meaning and that Hitler was “Right wing”. Kudos to Trent for not pursuing that last point… but holy fuck, do people really believe that bullshit? That “change”, without reference to what is changing or in what direction, is how serious people think about anything?

    By that “standard”, Lenin and Washington are both “leftist”. A libertarian is a “leftist” before he overthrows the dictator, and a “rightist” afterwards. What changed? He didn’t, nor did his ideology — it was the standard that shifted underneath him. And the cause of that change wasn’t even his politics — the variable was his fortunes in battle, a change not in ideas but merely in who rules.

    This is political “science”? No wonder we’re still so politically primitive.
    If I were an interstellar traveler, I wouldn’t come near this place where this sort of “thinking” exists in a culture with nukes.

    1. Yes. Dividing the political spectrum into two camps is primitive and unhelpful.

      BTW, “right and left” was considered an improvement because prior to that everyone just said “good and evil” respectively. Anyone who was against the current social order was, by definition, evil. Anyone who was for the current social order was, by definition, good. It took Nietzsche to actually go study the morality of “slaves” and “masters” to determine that each had their own morality, both as arbitrary as the other.

  4. To give the devil his due, Castro (and variants like de Castro) is a pretty common Spanish (and sometimes Sephardic Jewish) surname. There is even an Israeli clothing company named Castro that has zilch to do with Fidel the Dicktator.

    Countless people can be thankful that Hitler (y”sh) wasn’t named Mueller or Klein, and that Stalin (y”sh) was a made-up alias (“son of steel”) to begin with (imagine he were named Ivanov or Petrov).

  5. Oh puh-lease. Castro’s a common surname, the Mayor has nothing to do with the Cuban tyrant. There’s enough idiocy going down in Charlotte without pursuing red herrings.

  6. Castro = Castle. Quite common Spanish/Portuguese name. Sometimes history does undeserved things to your inheritance. I know a German guy whose name is Goehring. When he makes a restaurant reservation and they don’t get his name he says, “Goehring vie Hitler,” “Goehring like in Hitler.” His politics are nothing like either one of these two guys’, but you can detect the frustration.

    The above is not meant to endorse Mayor Castro’s politics.

  7. So his mother was involved in the starting of a racist La Raza party. La Raza means ‘the race’ which by name is racist. They’re described as an Hispanic advocacy group without usually mentioning what they advocate which includes taking part of America away to form it’s own country or part of mexico.

    Yeah, the press would have a feeding frenzy if this were not a dem.

  8. Is the Democratic party trolling ? or is life just being ironic ?

    First a nominee named Hussein, now a Castro, next time we gonna get a Lenin.

  9. Seems to me that the most applicable division is those who wish to rule vs. those who wish to rule themselves.

    The Dem-Cong wish to rule.

  10. It amazes me the contortions that can be wrought from a little knowledge, poorly applied. Trent being today’s example.

  11. Yeah, and The Governor of South Carolina is named Nimrata Nikki Randhawa Haley. You understand the significance of this, right? I’ll spell it out: she shares her family name with a terrorist, the far right wing religious extremist Kelev Rah Me’od Randhawa. But Alex Haley wrote Roots, which got turned into a really great miniseries, so it cancels.

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