The Convention Tonight

I watched Scarlett Johanssen and Eva Longoria, but turned down the sound, because they’re a lot easier on the eyes than the ears.

I listened to John Kerry until I heard the word “neocons,” at which point I muted, because this is a surefire sign that whoever is speaking is politically a moron, or attempting to appeal to same, if he uses the term in a non-ironic manner. It only took ten seconds or so…

[Update a while later]

I will confess that the best (only? yeah, probably) moment of the Dem convention that warmed my heart was Gabby Giffords staggering to the lectern with the help of her friend Debby Liarwoman Schultz, and leading the congregation in the Pledge of Allegiance, including the words “under God.”

But the cynic in me wonders if this was an afterthought, to try to dilute the venom of the previous day’s vocal repudiation of Him?

I guess, in theory, we could know by looking at a convention schedule from earlier in the week, but considering the people we’re dealing with, who’s to say what it is now is what it was then?

15 thoughts on “The Convention Tonight”

  1. The governor of Montana’s speech was interesting. I thought they were going to bring out the hook and drag him off stage.

  2. But the cynic in me wonders if this was an afterthought, to try to dilute the venom of the previous day’s vocal repudiation of Him?

    Missed that, but was it particularly venomous? I take it you don’t object to just choosing not to have religion mentioned in their platform, since I though you weren’t a theist?

    1. I think he was referencing the boo’s from the crowd and the three votes required to get mention put in. That is three votes in which the majority said no, the leadership said try again, and finally the leadership just said “forget the vote” just add the word back in anyway.

      1. The leadership didn’t just say “forget the vote,” Leland, they looked in the camera and said “who are you going to believe, me or your lying ears.”

      1. Just to clarify: the problem wasn’t just the unclear results of the voice vote. Another problem was that declarations about God and declarations about Israel’s capital were included in the same vote – you couldn’t vote for the God language but be against recognizing Jerusalem as Israel’s capital, and that might have been what was upsetting the Arab-American guy in the video.

      2. People were upset about the procedure.

        That’s what happens when you let Democrat partisan hacks count the votes.

      3. But if you talk to Democrats on a regular basis, you will find they dislike God and Israel as much if not more than procedure. Well, except for when they quote the bible to support government’s divine right over every aspect of our lives.

    2. It wasn’t venomous to me, but I’m sure it was (or appeared to be) to a lot of believers. It was a PR disaster, and of course (as anyone in LA would have expected) putting Tony Villar in charge of the convention helped make it a fiasco.

  3. Glad I am not a political blogger and need to listen to such boring talk. I spent last night reading a good book instead.

    The way I see it, no matter who wins, the President will still be a rich Harvard Lawyer with a history of running up debt while being beholding to big money donors. In short, the same old, same old.

      1. Nope, a Real Reagan Republican. Why do you think I voted for Senator McCain over Senator Obama?

        As I have repeatedly noted, my beefs with the Tea Party is that they pull the Republican Party so far to the right its easier for Democrats to win and take the country to the left. What should have been a easy presidential win for the Republicans is now a close race because of the Republicans alienating the Hispanic vote and the Women’s vote with their social policies.

        Which is my second beef with the Tea Party that the majority of their political candidates are a bunch of phoney opportunists who had little interest in budgets before they hopped on the Tea Party bandwagon but have always had a huge interest in their narrow social agenda.

        Here is an example

        Kentucky Evolution Fight: GOP Lawmakers Upset State Exams Test Students On ‘Made Up’ Theory

        The Huffington Post By Nick Wing
        Posted: 08/16/2012 12:24 pm
        Updated: 08/16/2012 5:57 pm

        Pity that Governor Gary Johnson decided to run as a Libertarian and was forced out of the Republican party… And Rep. Ron Paul, who actually has always been interested in budgets and liberty was shut out as well.

  4. Of course they (Dems) have all the big Hollywood folks show up and speak. Their whole agenda and ideas only work in movies (and even then, it’s hard to believe). It’s simply a giant wish list that I expect to hear from 17 year old HS seniors or in some crappy “Mr XXXXX goes to Washington” retread.

  5. I missed seeing Scarlett Johanssen and Eva Longoria, two of my long time favorite political analysts? And these are the same people who say Conservatives ‘tolerate’ Malkin and Coulter because they are pretty.

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