22 thoughts on “Groveling For Peace”

  1. Well, he did have his Ambassador in Libya holed up in a place with no security and no guard. Libya, a place Obama had committed acts of war on their soil less than a year ago. Who could have imagined something like this happening under those conditions?

  2. “why this guy is supposed to be so great on foreign policy?”

    Because the press says so. Repeatedly. In chorus.

    1. And he was on Harvard Law Review. And his pants are pressed neatly. And he’s black. Did I mention he’s black? Well, he’s black. That means he can’t be questioned about anything. Racist!

      Hey, there’s a squirrel!!!

  3. Wha? But Obama bowed to the world. What more do you want from him. Just leave him alone and let him finish his waffle.

      1. Biden was selected to be the VP as a form of life and impeachment insurance. “President Joe Biden” are three of the most terrifying words in the English language. As I’ve written before, I’ve seen smarter doorknobs (and yes, I know that’s an unfair comparison for the doorknobs). Biden is an idiot and was one of candidate Obama’s first major decisions once he got the nomination.

        1. Meh, I think this theory that Biden was life insurance is ridiculous. President Hairplugs wouldn’t be able to do half the things, like executive orders and various appointments, that Obama has done.

  4. Welcome back, Carter. Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result is the definition of… of… anyone? Bueller?

  5. Give him some credit. Our besieged embassies in Yemen and Tunisia are still holding! It’s not like every country in the region is storming our embassies, just a whole lot of them.

  6. Step outside the right wing echo chamber and look at Obama’s foreign policy from the point of view of the typical American voter, who doesn’t pay a lot of attention to current affairs, and who is comparing Obama to Bush. What this voter knows/remembers:

    George W. Bush:

    * Invaded Afghanistan, which went well at first, and then dragged on
    * Invaded Iraq, which went well at first, then turned into an expensive quagmire, and no WMDs were found
    * Caught Saddam Hussein
    * Didn’t catch Osama Bin Laden
    * Tortured suspected terrorists
    * Protected us from post-9/11 attacks

    Then Obama:

    * Got us out of Iraq
    * Kept fighting in Afghanistan, which keeps dragging on
    * Stopped torturing suspected terrorists
    * Used drones to kill lots of suspected terrorists
    * Killed Bin Laden
    * Killed Gaddafi without sending in US troops
    * Protected us from post-9/11 attacks

    To a typical voter, Obama’s record looks pretty good.

  7. Someone should write a book about the left’s inability to distinguish between potential partners in peace and implacable thugs. Call it “Deliver Us From Evil” or something like that.

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