2 thoughts on “Obama’s Middle-East Delusions”

  1. The progressives wanted to export democracy because they believed it would lead to rule by people like themselves: urban, privileged, highly educated in all the correct elite schools.

    And that is exactly what it did.

    They failed to notice that Osama bin Laden and company were urban, privileged and highly educated in all the elite schools.

    Progressives don’t recognize that they are a theocracy, that they are a priesthood. Their belief system is supposedly simply the truth, even though the official truth keeps rapidly moving ever leftwards, so they look at people very similar to themselves, with institutions very similar to their own, and are endlessly astonished that these institutions somehow inculcate a truth other than, “progressives should rule.” They cannot believe it, for in order to believe it, they would have to recognize that they also are a priesthood, a different and competing priesthood.

    If the military is in charge, the influence of religion will be small, soldiers and priests being natural enemies, and the propensity of theocracies to become ever more extreme will be restrained.

    Where formerly we had soldiers ruling, who not only did not take that stuff very seriously, but also seriously disapproved of actually acting on it, we now have priests ruling, and each priest wants to show he’s more pure than the other priest. Where once excessive faith was a bad career move, now it is a very good career move, and insufficient faith is the bad career move.

  2. “the fantasy that Barack Obama’s name, race, and lineage, when coupled with leftist politics, would win over our Middle East never arrived”

    Obama: “But some of my best friends are…”

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